Seeking Playgroup in Frisco for Working Moms

Updated on May 13, 2009
J.S. asks from Frisco, TX
6 answers

I am a working mom with an 8 month old son. I am looking for a play group that gets together on the weekends. I would like to be able to meet other moms with young children to be able to share and learn from their experiences being a full time working mom along with being a full time mommy.

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So What Happened?

I haven't found one yet, but for those of you who responded saying that you would be interested in the same thing, we could start our own group. Please let me know if you would be interested.

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

I would be interested in participating as well. I am a working Mommy of a beautiful 16 month old little girl. Let me know if you find anything!!



answers from Dallas on

I would be interested in this too! I am actually in Melissa, but I work full time myself with a beautiful 3 month old girl!



answers from Dallas on

I am looking for the same thing for my 12 month old. Please let me know if you find one. Thanks! Tammy



answers from Dallas on

Hey Jamie:

I am in McKinney, also working and also a mom. I have two girls, 3 and 5. I would enjoy a play group and the opportunity to network as well.



answers from Dallas on

A great resource for playgroups is

Here's a link to the Frisco parent clubs page:

They also have similar pages for other towns...
Allen parent clubs:
McKinney parent clubs:
Plano parent clubs:

I hope this is helpful in your search!!


answers from Dallas on

I don't know if Plano is too far for you or not. There is a playgroup in plano called Hope you find it helpful!

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