Scar Tissue in Lower Abdomen After C Section

Updated on October 10, 2010
M.B. asks from Austin, TX
5 answers

Hello Friends
I delivered my baby about 8 weeks ago by C section. At 7th week or so I started having burning sharp pain in right side of lower abdomen regoin. It made me feel like someone is pulling my muscles apart. It happnes when i move in certain ways. For example, getting up and out of bed or sometimes bending to pick up things or any movement that requires twisting from waist. I went to see my NP and she said it could be due to scar tissue which prevents independant movement of neighbourhood regions which otherwise move independently. Each time I make wrong movemnet it causes terrible pain. THe pain is not constant. It's very painful even when I cough, sneeze and laugh. Now I can avoid pain ful movements but cant do much about sneezing or coughing.
I have been taking ibuprofen every 6 hours and wearing a support belt aound lower abdomen. It hasn't been helping that much. I still feel pain. I am wondering if post partum exercise would help in this case. My NP advised to exercise that strengthen those muscles.
I would like suggestions from moms who have experienced such pain and have benefitted by taking some actions. Please help. Thanks in advance.

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answers from Johnson City on

IT gets better over time and really depends on you as an individual. This summer I finally stopped having so much pain in mine (my son is 2.5). The first year was rough especially on the side where it was tied off. Exercise made mine worse. From stories I've heard it take a long time to completely go away, but eventually it does...take it easy and give everything time to heal.


answers from Cumberland on

I started to get abdominal pains as well. But I didnt get them until my son was about a year old. So a year after my C section I had major pains...They did CScans and couldnt find the problem so they assumed it was scar tissue. Physical therapy is supposed to help. Didnt try it...I was on the Dep shot and it was making my pain worse, I quit taking it and have been okay. Every once in a while I get the pains again and there is nothing that helps tghem. I know im not much help. but try pt



answers from San Francisco on

This sounds extremely familiar. In my case, it turned out that my uterus became attached to the wall of my abdomin and bladder. The pain did not go away until I had a surgery several years later. The doctor was able to separate the uterus from my abdomin but not completely from my bladder. I went on to have my third baby via c-section six years later. I had no problems with the recovery on this operation so just because there are issues with this c-section if you were to get pregnant and have another c-section; it does not mean you would have the same issues.



answers from Austin on


I had a c-section with my daughter 3 years ago, and experienced the SAME issues. I remember specifically because we were in the middle of moving when she was 2 months old, and packing/unpacking boxes was unbearable.

I too went to my OB, who explained that in a c-section, they actually have to perform 3 separate incisions, one on the skin, another on the fascia (or abdominal muscle wall) and lastly on the uterus, and that all heal differently and some take longer than others. She said that the incision on the fascia takes especially long to heal and that was the reason I was experiencing pain and pulling sensations while doing certain movements. She recommended that I take it easy, and that within 6-9 months it would fully heal. She was right.

Continue to take the ibuprofen for pain, but in reality the best remedy is to rest and not stress those abdominal muscles until they've had a chance to heal and reform.

Best of luck,
(hoping to avoid another c-section this week!!!)



answers from Austin on

I had a c-section but did not experience the pain you're having. My midwife really emphasized massaging the scar w/ vitamin e oil to break down the scar tissue and keep more from forming. She had me really mashing on it (not to where it hurt, but just to that threshold). I think I did it at least a couple of times a day for a long time. 7 years later you can barely see or feel any scar of any kind.
I hope this resolves for you sounds really hard; especially w/ having a new baby to take care of too.
Good luck!

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