Reasonably Priced Dog Training

Updated on May 05, 2006
S.H. asks from Dallas, TX
4 answers

I am looking to find a reasonably priced dog trainer in the Carrollton, Lewisville, Addison, or Coppell area. I have a wonderful little puppy that we adopted from another mamasource mom. Now I'm a new mom to a very active puppy and I'm completely inexperienced. Any advice on trainig would help.

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answers from Dallas on

Hi S.,

Have you thought about Petsmart? I hear they have a good class. Good luck with your new puppy.



answers from Dallas on

I know a great guy, as close to the "Dog Whisperer" as you can get in Dallas...his name is Chris Winfield and his email is and his phone is ###-###-####....he is a Schutzhund trainer...good luck



answers from Dallas on

If you haven't fournd anyone yet try Audra she is wonderful!!!
She helped us train our dog while I was pregnant and even came over the day we brought the baby home from the hospital. She is well worth the cost!



answers from Dallas on

I live in Richardson, if you by any chance find someone that is close will you plz email me? We just bought a puppy also and she is very active!

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