Precoucious Puberty

Updated on July 29, 2007
G.B. asks from Sanders, KY
4 answers

I would like to find other moms with daughters with precoucious puberty.

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answers from Youngstown on

my daughter whom is now 13 went through puberty at the ripe young age of 9. She started with the dropping of grades, the mood swings and being mean to her siblings. Although she still does a lot of those things it has slowed down to a tolerable stance. It will pass, but my advice to you is only let it go so far because she doesn't know what it is she is going through. But make sure you don't let her go too far. I have five kids so I deal with a lot of personalities on a daily basis and I am surely the QUEEN of my castle. But be patient, she find her way in dealing with it. I too started at an early age.



answers from Cleveland on

I was startled to find that my 9 year old has some pubic hair. I don't believe that she actually realizes it yet because it is farther back. She had a rash that she asked me to look at and that is how I discovered it. She is a bit moody but I pray that it doesn't get much worse! I also have heard that it is due to the hormones in food.



answers from Cleveland on

I haven't had this happen to me (YET, my dd is only 5) but I heard from a doctor and a chemist that lots of girls are experiencing this now because of the Bovine Growth Hormone in milk! I now give my dd ORGANIC milk because it is made without BGH. This is probably too late to help you, but maybe others reading this post it will help. But I"m sure you are not the only one experiencing this, ugh, I feel for you (and honestly for your daughter, she is probably too immature emotionally to be able to deal with this well)...



answers from Cincinnati on

Hi G.-

My daughter is 11 years old and is in ALLLL the stages of puberty.

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