Party Games for 8 Yr Old Birthday Party

Updated on August 10, 2009
L.D. asks from Arnold, MO
5 answers

Hello! My son will be turning 8 next month and we are starting to plan his party. This year we have decided to have a party at the house with a sleepover for the boys. There will be girls invited, but they will leave early and just the boys will stay the night. What I need is some activities or games that all the kids can play then some for the boys when the girls leave. Any suggestions?

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answers from Kansas City on

Let them do their own cake. Buy a cake mix in his favorite flavor as well as store bought icing and decorations, like m&m's, cookies to crush, etc... Let the boys make and decorate the cake. My boys loved doing this so much that they would ask to do it for several years in a row at that age. Also if warm enough, water balloon wars are also fun.

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answers from Topeka on

My daughter attended a birthday party where they had a jello eating contest! Was really fun, although a bit messy. The mother made individual cups of jello (in shallow dishes) and gave each child one. They had to eat the jello without using their hands. They had lots of fun with this! (wish I had thought of it)

Have fun!

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answers from Topeka on

Pin the tail on the donkey! LOL! It sounds silly, but they ALL love it, no matter what age!
Also balloon volleyball, safe to be played in the house. Or balloon pop. This is something I do at every party. I blow up a ton of balloons and have them all over the floor in one area. When I say Go, the kids all try to pop as many balloons as they can by sitting on them. Whoever pops the most gets a little special treat... some type of party favor or small toy.
Anyway, that is just a few ideas. Hope the party goes well!

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answers from St. Louis on

My mom was the queen of cheap, creative birthday party games. Here are two of my favorites:

Balloon Stomp. Everyone blows up a balloon, attaches it to a string, and ties the string around their ankle. When you say, "Go!", the kids have to try and pop everyone else's balloon without letting their own balloon get popped. When your balloon is popped, you need to sit down. The last one standing is the winner! (I never won, but I alwyas had a great time!)

Dirty Dice. You need at least four tupperware-type containers and two dice for each container, as well as a LOT of small gifts and one big gift. All the gifts should be wrapped in the middle of the playing area. The kids sit in a circle around the gifts. The containers with dice should be evenly spaced. The kids shake the dice into the container, and if they get a pair, they get to take one gift. If they shake double 6, they get to take the big gift, called "The Thing." If little Susie shakes a 6 and gets the Thing, then little Timmy shakes a 6 right after that, little Timmy takes the Thing from little Susie. This goes on until all the gifts from the middle are gone. Then the kids get to unwrap all the gifts EXCEPT THE THING! Round two: Set the timer for 5 minutes. This time, as the dice go around and the kids get pairs, they get to steal from each other. Serious fun! Again, if they shake 6s, they take the Thing. When the buzzer sounds, they keep what they have in front of them. The person who get the Thing gets to unwrap it at the end.

Some of the gifts my mom gave: bubbles, small crayon packs, candy, gum, little toys from the dollar store, notebooks, etc. She also uses this as a shower game, and it's pretty much awesome then, too!

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answers from Columbia on

I am a preschool teacher and one of all kids favortie is Twister game. Then you always can do a water balloon toss. The one that doesn't break wins.
Hope this helps

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