My Son Wont Eat - New Britain,CT

Updated on January 23, 2010
T.L. asks from New Britain, CT
6 answers

What are the options i have for my son he is 18-19 mths and hasent gained a pd in months the doctor told us we may have to put a feeding tube in him and that scares me to death to put him through that hes been through alot already and i feel terrible today he hasnt taken 1 bite and only drank 2 bottles of pediasure. He also has thrown up (gagged) for the past three days and (1 time a day)...please help he will take a swallow test soon and then were afraid of the dreadful feeding tube thing... HELP HELP

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answers from Boston on

Before you go thru all the stress and invasiveness of testing and endoscopies and possible feeding tube, why not try a balanced food product, totally safe for children (it can even be given to preemies thru a feeding tube), that will most likely address this issue. If he's drinking Pediasure, he can drink this. It's called Reliv Now for Kids, it's made here in US under pristine conditions, is guaranteed, and has helped thousands of kids like yours. I can give you more info if you want. You can't get it in stores - it's sold thru distributors who will help you and connect you with other parents whose children have gone through similar situations. I can give you more info in about 15 minutes if you want to spend the time.

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answers from Boston on

Have you had him tested for food intolerances? This sounds like a serious issue that has deeper issues. What kinds of foods have you given him? Is he just picky or does he not have an appetite? I would start experimenting with different smoothie recipies that incorporate nutrient dense foods, milks like hemp and almond and spirulina. There are some great forums online like and diets that deal with food intolerances(google GAPS diet) I have so much more info for you if you need it. L.

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answers from Boston on

Does he have a medical condition that is causing this? If he won't take anything in then this might be your only hope. I hate to ask this but would he take a bottle?

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answers from Boston on

Is he sick otherwise? Have they run any tests like a barium series or endoscopy to see if they can find a reason as to why he has stopped eating? Have you looked to get a second opinion? My friend has almost had to have a feeding tube for her son and she was telling me the complications that can happen. I would push to find the reason why he has stopped eating. I would probably take him to a gastroenterologist to get a second opinion.

Good luck

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answers from Boston on

Do you have any access to breast milk? It is not a complete or long term solution especially if he has a medical condition, but I think that breast milk, even if it is not from the mother might help, short term, if he would drink it.

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answers from Washington DC on

T., what is his diet? When did you start him on solids? I was feeding my son a variety of foods at that age, and also giving juice (I know dentists say it's bad for the teeth, but I would make smoothies with fruit and yogurt). Also, chicken soup always worked with my son. At that age I was feeding him most everything we were eating (including curries, ramen and all kinds of Asian delicacies). I hope for the best for you and your son. Best wishes, Nessa

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