My Son Doesn't Want to Eat

Updated on March 16, 2007
M.H. asks from Saint Paul, MN
9 answers

I have a 2 year old son and it seems to us that the only thing he wants to eat is Mac and Cheese and those Chef Boyardee microwave meals. What ever I fix for us for a meal he won't touch it. But it only seems to be here, when he is at my moms he will eat anything she puts in front of him. I just on't know how to get him to eat other food.

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answers from Janesville-Beloit on

My youngest son went through this stage. His pediatrician told me to serve him whatever we were eating. If he was hungary enough he ate... little kids won't starve themselves. I'm just one who refuses to make dinner time a buffet or made to order kitchen. I make one meal for everyone, and meals I know all my boys like. Offer some healthy snacks but be sure he doesn't fill up on the snacks before dinner. Be sure he drinks enough fluids but also be sure he isn't filling himself on the fluids before dinner time like my little one did. He needs some meals with more nutrition, those microwave meals aren't generally healthy. Good luck!

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answers from Rochester on

My son did this too. I finally had enough of making two different meals every night, so whatever Mommy and Daddy ate, he would have to eat. I told him he didn't have to eat it, of course, but it was all there was to eat, and there would be no snacking. After a while, he realized fighting was useless and started eating whatever I made for dinner. (granted, still picking at his food, but hey, he was eating it) Now he's a terrific eater who actually ASKS for veggies with dinner. (What kid asks for brocolli?) It's just a phase, and it will work itself out soon. :) Just be patient, but firm, and above all else, be consistent!



answers from Minneapolis on

feed him what you are eating, unless it is really an "adult" meal. make sure he sees you eating a healthy variety of food! give him only a little on his plate so he is not overwhelmed. maybe make the 2 items he will eat as a side to some vegetables or what you are eating. if our daughter doesnt eat a good dinner, we offer a healthy snack before bedtime like yogurt, applesauce etc so she doesnt go to bed hungry. keep offering him a variety of food, eventually he will find something he likes and add to his list.



answers from Madison on

I have been having the exact same issue with my two year old daughter, and I spoke with her pediatrician and she told me that it is a phase and to put her ob vitamins so that she is recieving the correct nutrients. I am told it will pass over much like any other phase. But, sadly I feel your pain and I wish you more success than I am having. I have notice though that if I attatch a reward to her meal (candy, cheap toy, favorite cartoon) she will attempt to eat a little of her food. Maybe it will work better for you.



answers from Minneapolis on

When you offer toddlers food it can take a minimum of 6 times of offering it & having it in front of them before they decide to try it. Grandma's house is always special, so I am sure that's why he eats anything for her. The willingness to eat anything for grandma shows he isn't truly picky, just being a kid and testing things out.



answers from Milwaukee on

Well- this is going to sound weird but do some fun things such as tell him the jack in the bean staulk story and feed him beans while you are telling him the story. Or make a hot dog and cut the bottom half of it in strips and set it upward in the mac and cheese (it will look like an octapus)- make a face on the top woth cheese or whatever. Make your sandwiches fun - send your direct email to and I will send you some fun sandwich ideas that I found.



answers from Minneapolis on

i have 4 children 2 of them tryed pulling this one on me. the dr said not to worry if they dont eat. if they get hungry enough they will eat. our problem is that it is the parent that is not strong and we start to feel sorry for them and give in. sometimes they are just not hungry. good luck mine finally did eat when i did not give in.



answers from Duluth on

For starters, do not let your son see that it concerns or bothers you! It could be a power struggle, it could be a reaction to his new brother, even if he appears to love him. My daughter loves her baby brother but she acted out regardless in odd ways. Just don't let him see a reaction out of you. It could be a phase, you can feed him nothing but those two foods, he will eventually get tired of it. Don't even offer your food, just that. Or, you can wait him out. Kids won't starve, they'll eat eventually. For my daycare girl who is the picky eater, I give her a plate of what everyone else is eating without a word (this was hard for me) and she doesn't get a treat unless she eats her lunch. Her parents will pick her up and feed her whatever she wants (which literally is all junk food, she hates anything of value). With my own kids, I would do the same only for every meal the same plate came out, they learned to eat it warm. One thing that helped me was to just not have the food in my house, that way I would open the cupboards and say, all gone! It caused fits, but fits are short term. Kids can only get hooked on what foods you give them access to. Only stock your home with nutrition quality food and food battles won't feel so hard. I'm sure you'll get lots of advice on this, I wish I'd of had it a few kids ago! Something important is to make sure he's having a good multivitamin every day. These years are years of odd diet for many kids. They have liquid drops, which my 17 month old loves but they stink, no clue how they taste, the chewables, and now gummi vitamins. He should be willing to eat one form, just call it vitamins, please don't call it candy!



answers from Milwaukee on

Hi M.! If he eats anything your mom will put in front of him, then he is trying to get his way. If he is hungry enough, he will eat what you put in front of him. Do you really want to start a precident where you make a separate meal just for him? Also, make sure there is something in each mean he likes, like bananas, applesauce, carrots, etc.

As yummmy as those meals may be, you probably want to watch giving him things like that because it will develop bad habits. They are loaded with chemicals, sugar, and preservatives. I used to give my daughter stuff like that until I had to start reading labels. It's very scary when you have no idea what some of the things in those meals are.

Good luck!!

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