LASIK Eye Surgery - Lake Dallas,TX

Updated on November 08, 2010
C.W. asks from Lake Dallas, TX
11 answers

Hello ladies,

Surprisingly, I have some money left in my health care flexible spending account and I am thinking about having LASIK done on both eyes. Do you have a recommendation for a doctor who does this procedure?

Thanks in advance!

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for your recommendations. I made a couple of appointments to compare, but after the first one it was clear that the entire procedure is unfortunately still too expensive for me, even with the money left in my FSA. So now I am getting my teeth "renovated" instead ;-)

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answers from Dallas on

Yes - Dr. Whitman of Key Whitman eye center! I had mine done 5 1/2 years ago and it was the BEST money I ever spent. I went from having terrible eye sight and having to wear either thick lens or specialty contacts to having 20/20 vision! P.S When I had it done, I lived in Lake Dallas :-)

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answers from Dallas on

My husband and I had our surgeries done 9 years ago by Dr. Tylock and have been very happy with the results. He and his staff were great. You'll love being able to see again. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

My husband and I both have had lasik. I went to Dr. Tylock and he went to Dr. Booth. In our opinion, Tylock, Booth, Carter, and Key-Whitman are comparable. You can negotiate the price. Pick the one that is closest to your house. There are a lot of follow up visits. While I was happy with Dr T, I came to regret the long drive to Irving. Get them all to give you their best price and then take the lowest price to the Dr. that is closest and get him to match it.


answers from Los Angeles on

I used to work for TLC in Calif. too. They very carefully select the surgeons with whom they associate, so to go to a TLC might be a good idea, in that most of your homework is done for you. The center that I worked at would allow other doctors to come in and use the lasers with their own patients and LET ME TELL YOU, not all eye surgeons are created equal!!! I have politely smiled at plenty of people who I knew were SERIOUSLY risking their vision and their healthy eyeballs by having chosen the surgeon that they did. Likewise, I have been truly touched by the good outcomes I've seen! LASIK done by a good, qualified surgeon is the most wonderful thing you can do for yourself!!!
Try as a jumping off point. Looks like they have locations in San Antonio and Austin.



answers from Dallas on

Dr Whitman from Key-Whitman Eye Center, North Dallas. He was excellent and I as the non patient could watch the entire procedure, very cool.



answers from Dallas on

Dr Tylock did mine and I was completely happy!! It was the best thing I've ever done!! I originally was going to go to Key Whitman but was not comfortable with the really young girl who did the measurements on my eyes....Then she forgot to order the soft lenses for me to wear prior to surgery (I was a hard contact lenses wearer at the time) When I sent to Dr Tylock the technician who measured my eyes took his time and was very knowledgeable. It was worth the drive for me! Coming from Lake Dallas isn't going to be a problem for you I don't think. Just be careful! Go to someone with a great reputation! I once went into a Dr's office that was appling numbing drops to the patients as they waited in the lobby for their surgeries..That just didn't seem very clean place for eyes if you asked me...He is no longer in the market. Good Luck! You'll love it!!


answers from San Francisco on

Hi! i work at a Lasik Dr is California :) a bit far, but we are part of a large group called TLC vision which may have a location near you & we offer LTC which is free enhancement surgeries for life if needed.. just wanted to say, ask lots of questions about technology, before and after care and don't go with the best price! Price shopping is usually brings patients back to us to fix the job! Ask ton's of questions and make sure your comfortable with the answers, the dr, the staff :) Good luck & you'll love it!!



answers from Dallas on

being in eyecare for 15 years my first word is dont do it. i have personally seen the negative impact that happens when surgery goes wrong and it does more often than anyone is willing to admit, about 10% will have immediate problems and almost everyone eventually ends back in glasses or contacts within 10 years.

But if you still want to have the surgery, dont go to one of the big outfits, they cattle you through with very little contact with the dr. Talk with your regual optometrist and get their opinion.



answers from Dallas on

I had mine done about 8 years ago. And love it. I used Dr. Tylock after researching tons of eye doctors.



answers from Chicago on

I'm across the country, but I had mine done at TLC. I know they have offices all over, so they might have one near you. I did a lot of research before choosing them!



answers from Boston on

Your regular eye doctor should be able to give you the name of a good person to see.

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