Great Dentist in Flower Mound

Updated on April 06, 2008
M. asks from Flower Mound, TX
4 answers


We recently switched dental insurance programs. Although we are now paying more for our monthly premiums (who isn't?!), we can choose any dentist we'd like. My husband has been to Monarch (only provider covered on our old plan) and has had constant pain while eating hard things since his fillings. Despite going back with his complaints, the problem has not been solved. So, I'd like to get recommendations for dentists in Flower Mound. Thank you for your help!


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answers from Los Angeles on

We recently used Dr Bowman at 6 Day Dental and we were very happy with him. He did 2 baby root canals on my 6 year old and my little guy didn't even flinch with him. Great chair-side manner.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

Dr. Lauri Barg in Flower Mound is great! Professional staff, new office, etc. She's at 3380 Long Prairie Rd, ###-###-####.

I will mail you a gift certificate for a free teeth whitening kit from her ($249 value) if you give me your address. (She's one of the awesome businesses Housewarmers recommends in the Flower Mound area.)



answers from Dallas on

We used to go to Cross Timbers Dental and loved it, but our plan changed. Bummer! Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Cross Timbers Dental is amazing!

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