Friend with a Spinal Block Question

Updated on June 11, 2007
A.M. asks from Oklahoma City, OK
8 answers

I have a friend who had a spinal block ten months ago when she had her son, Jayden. She's since had an area in her back that is numb. It started as an area about the size of a quarter, but it has grown to cover an area about seven inches in diameter. Is that normal, or should she talk to a doctor about it?

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answers from Lawton on

I agree with the others. It's an uncommon side effect of the epidural and she needs to get it checked. :)

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answers from Kansas City on

I had a spinal block with my c-section three months ago and I had some numbness and pain for a few weeks after, but it has since cleared up. I had back surgery four years ago, so I thought it might have been related to that more that the block itself. Regardless, if she still has numbness, that is not normal and she needs to get it checked before it gets any worse.

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answers from Washington DC on

I had a spinal with my daughter after the epidural didn't work. I always assumed it was due to the failed epidural (it caused me actual pain in my leg and back instead of numbness), but I had three numb spots. One on the ball of my right foot, one on half of my knee, and one on my right shoulder blade. I had an MRI done, and all kinds of other fun stuff, and nothing ever came of any of it. Ultimately, they basically all went away on their own. Every now and then the spot on my back will tingle and hurt a little, but that's mainly after a hard day of carrying my son (25 lbs!) around.

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answers from Kansas City on

I'd tell her to visit her doctor if the area of numbness is spreading. I had pain in the area of my epidural, no numbness, but it was only in the immediate area and did not spread. I think a visit to her doctor could at least ease her mind.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I had a spinal with my oldest son during his c-section, 6 years ago and I never had any problems with it at all. However, with my 2yo son I had a VBAC with an epidural. That time the doctor stuck the needle in the wrong place and had to move it. Now my back will hurt after a lot of heavy lifting (my boys) or during the yoga pose where you are on your stomach then lift up onto your hands and arch backward or when I go into a back-bend. That makes my back hurt right about where the needle was.



answers from Kansas City on

That is not normal. SHe needs to go to her Doctor.



answers from Kansas City on


Your friend should talk to her doctor ASAP. I had a spinal block when I delivered my daughter by C-Section. I had no problems. The numbness only lasted for 30 minutes while I was in the recovery room after her delivery.




answers from Oklahoma City on

I had an epidural when I was in labor with my second son that only worked in my right leg from my thigh to knee now that area is still numb 7 months later and the doctors can not find out why.

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