Cloth Diapers - Stinesville,IN

Updated on March 13, 2013
A.K. asks from Stinesville, IN
11 answers

This is all new to me...Anyone not use covers? I was thinking that in the beginning & when just hanging out at home , I would just use the diaper & clips with no cover.

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So What Happened?

I guess , I thought that a newborn wouldn't pee enough to soak through the diaper. In my defense, the lady working at the cloth diaper store agreed with me.

Jill - Yes , this was exactly what I was thinking.

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answers from San Francisco on

Without covers, it's just like putting a towel between their legs. It's going to get wet and soak through.

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answers from Seattle on

You don't need covers if you use all in ones or pocket diapers, as they come with a waterproof outer.
If you use prefolds or fitted diapers you will need a cover, both to hold the prefold on to their little bum and also to keep urine from soaking through.
For newborns and if you change frequently you may get away without a cover, since they their bladders are still tiny and if you have a very absorbent diaper it may be fine.
If you don't want plastic covers you can look into wool covers. They look like little wool pants.
Good luck!

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answers from Atlanta on

Then you'll have some wet floors and seats. You're welcome to give it a try, but the cover is that part that prevents the wet from getting out.

Have you looked into all-in-ones or pocket diapers like FuzziBunz or Bum Genius? They are very simple, less bulky than the prefolds, and might fit more what you're looking for.

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answers from Cumberland on

I always used the little nylon, puffy, water proof pants

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answers from Washington DC on

Always use a cover over prefolds (I'm assuming that's what you're planning to use). First of all, it's easier to put a prefold on with a cover than without one (you don't really need clips unless you want to use them), and the only time you NEED to wash the cover is if poop leaked onto it, or it smells like urine... in which case, aren't you glad the cover was there, other wise it would be on clothes or bedding.

I only had 3 newborn covers and that was plenty. You don't need a ton, and if you're trying to save money and not buy them in the beginning, just get inexpensive ones instead.


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answers from Tampa on

You need the cover or whatever the baby wears/touches will be wet as soon as the diaper gets wet.

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answers from Chicago on

Pocket or aio diapers are what I use at least 2/3 of the time. However, when I use prefolds or fitteds, I rarely put a cover on my son at home. Since I like to change him every time he wets, it has never been a problem. The diaper will leak if compressed so if I am going to put him to bed or in my wrap I will use a cover. When he was much younger he didn't pee enough at one time to soak the diaper so that wasn't a concern.

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answers from Cleveland on

Only option other than a cover would be wool, and it's still technically a cover, since you will be putting it over the diaper. They do make wool longies that are like pants though that would work for at home. I personally use pocket diapers.

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answers from Phoenix on

I always used covers. Not sure why you wouldn't.


answers from San Francisco on

Not putting on a cover means whatever baby's on will be soiled with urine, or poo (couch, carpet, crib sheet, blankets, your lap, sling/wrap, etc.) It's gotta be easier to wash covers than all that stuff every day!



answers from Cleveland on

No, but my daughter was always a heavy wetter. I still use inserts or even a second pre-fold tucked into the diaper.

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