
Updated on April 03, 2007
L.S. asks from Grove City, OH
5 answers

I have a wonderful fun filled daughter who is 15 months old. Well my princess has just started bitting. At first it was just everyone now and then, well lately everytime she gets mad or frustraded she will bite people, on the leg or on the arm and it really hurts. Well at home we tell her no and that was mean and bad and make her sit in a chair and it kinda works. But this morning when i dropped her of at daycare the teacher in her room said that she bite another child yesterday over a toy and broke skin on the other child and it made me feel horrible. Help!!

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answers from Toledo on

This is a very common phase, it bridges the gap between when a child begans to understand what he/she wants to express but does not yet have the words and so uses actions. Please becareful on how you use the word "bad" around your child. If it is used to often or in the wrong way, it can create a feeling of worthlessness in a child. Example: "You are bad", Vs. " What you did, or your actions are bad". The first one can lead to self-esteem issues the second can help your child learn which actions are acceptable and which are not. Instead of using the word "bad" though I explain to my 3 yr old what consequences are and that every action has a consequence. I started this when he was about the age of your daughter and now he is able to talk to me in more detail about consequences and ask me what the consequence of a given action will be. This helps him decide if an action is worth prusuing given the consequences. Your child is going to pick up all kinds of behaviors and words and ways of coping at daycare, some may be helpful, others you will wish she had not learned. I try to model the behaviors I want my child to learn and explain to him why other behaviors are less desirable. For example: "If you bite your firends they will not want to play with you" Simple cause and effect to us but a new concept to our children and one that your daughter will pick up on. Start trying time outs and talking to your daughter. Biting a child when she/he bites you only teaches your child that it is ok to do thoes things to others who are smaller and more helpless than you. That is not a message I want my child to learn. Hopefully the teacher in your child's daycare class will be willing to work with you to help stop this behavior.
Good luck!!

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answers from Cleveland on

Hi L.!

Unfortunately, biting is a common phase among children in daycare. They have to share EVERYTHING, and with many children and not a lot of one-on-one attention, children get territorial and must resort to protecting themselves, biting being the main way. I worked at a daycare in the 12-24 mons. room throughout college, and biting was pretty much a daily affair.

At the day care we did time outs. It worked for the most part, but the children never truly stopped biting until they got closer to two or when they were able to communicate effectively with words, actions, or sign language.

My son is 13 months and has recently started with temper tantrums. He has not started biting, but he screams and gets very angry very quickly. When he does this, I get down on his level, and say "stop!" very firmly and somewhat loudly, just enough to get his attention and to startle him a little. I them ask him what he wants, or make suggestions. He can then usually let me know what he needs by pointing or guesturing. I also tell him, "use your words" to get into the habit of communicating with his words.

Good luck!

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answers from Columbus on

When my little ones went throught this I tried everything under the sun to get them to stop but nothing was working and the sitter was ready to make me find another sitter because other parents were upset that my children were bitting there kids and I understood because I would feel the same way. Mine are 3 and almost 4 so I went through the same problem twice. Finally I did bite back. Heres what I did. When they would bite I would bite back not to hard just enough to let them no that that is how it feels. Then I would sit down and tell them that when they do that it hurts and people don't like it. I said I was sorry for bitting them but I wanted to show how it felt. After that neither child ever did it again. I think if you explain to the child why you did it to them then they won't be confused as to why they can't do it. Good luck



answers from Cleveland on

well the only advice i can give is the stuff people have told me do to her what she does to people don't do it so hard you break skin just enought to show her that it is bad or you can go with the old slap in the mouth one i hope this helps it may sound cruel but sometimes you have to be to show love.



answers from Cleveland on

Try giving her alum when she bites. Its a pickling spice, not "hot" like pepper but it is tart. Its in the spice section of the grocery store. I gave it to my children when they bit and now they are older they got it when they say mean things. Which, since they hate the taste of it, doesnt happen very often.
Good luck

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