Bill Cosby said he didn't know the key to success, but the key to failure was trying to please everyone!
I would focus on your precious angel. She'll never have a 1st b-day party again. Pick a setting she's most comfortable in. For both of my kids, it was home. Mid morning worked real good, because they started napping one long nap after 1pm.
For my kids (5 &10), when we go to a small childs birthday, the fun for them is to watch their cousin enjoying the wonder of it all. When my son was two, we did Chuck E. Cheese for friends, and had a home party for family. He was okay at Chuck E. Cheese but sorta overwhelmed. He enjoyed the home party with a pinata much better.
Good luck, and what ever you do, get plenty of sleep the night before, and don't forget the batteries to the camera!