Being Induced - Hermiston,OR

Updated on June 21, 2011
E.S. asks from Hermiston, OR
40 answers

I decided with some certainty that I would not be induced if I could help it after watching my sister-in-law go through a horrible 38-hour labor after being induced. Now I am at a crossroads- my husband has to leave for 12 days the day after our first baby is due and I have made no progress toward labor at all. My doctor has offered to induce, but I am still very afraid. Can anyone offer encouragement or advice one way or another?
*Let me add, please, that my husband HAS to leave, does not want to, and there is nothing he or I can do about it or we would.

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So What Happened?

Thank you all so much for your advice, encouragement, and words of wisdom. On Wednesday my doctor told me she was going to induce me while my husband was gone if the baby didn't come by June 30 anyway, so I asked her if she would just do it right away. She called the hospital right away an they said they couldn't get me in until Saturday. That doesn't help because my husband was supposed to leave today (Friday). HOWEVER, she kept the appointment (just in case) and we got wonderful news yesterday- my husband doesn't have to leave until Monday! So we are being induced tomorrow if Baby still hasn't come on his own and my husband gets to be there! Happy dance!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I was induced with my 2nd & 3rd children (VERY fast labor w/my first) and everything was easy and fine! In the hospital at 6am and holding my babies by noon.

You do what you want to do and don't listen to any of us!

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answers from Austin on

Sorry but your husband having to go out of town is not a medical reason to induce. It is not a reason to put yourself or your baby in danger. Your doctor should also be reported to the medical board for even suggesting it as he is not practicing evidence based medicine. Your baby should have the right to choose its birthday.

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answers from Portland on

That sucks so much for you and your husband! My suggestions are these:
1. Don't get induced- Your gut says not to, it increases your risk of having a cesarean birth and it has some fairly major other risks and it doesn't even always work.
2. Hire a birth doula STAT- A birth doula is a professional that comes with you in labor to help you through the labor and birth process (any kind of birth, induced, with pain medication, cesarean, or all natural un-medicated birth). Doula's are great to have even with your husband around (they take the pressure off of him to be the sole support for you) but with your husband potentially out of town you NEED someone to be there just for you. It'll be the best money you ever spent. (Full disclosure: I am a birth doula in Portland so I've seen first-hand the difference I make for my clients)
3. If you don't have one, invest in or borrow a video camera and tripod. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't really want a video recording of your birth, but if your husband isn't able to be there, it would be really great to have the video going so that he doesn't miss out completely.
4. Hope, wish and pray that your body goes into labor on its own a before your husband has to leave (or after! I know a few women who've gone into labor at 42 weeks or a little beyond!). When you plan for all the contingencies, things often have a way of working out just perfectly.
I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to take or leave this advice as you see fit. Certainly inductions aren't always bad, some of them work out great. The problem is you don't know which one it's going to be (bad or good or neutral) until after it's all over which makes it hard to make an educated decision.

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answers from Seattle on

Induction is a medical intervention that changes the way the labor proceeds. There are times it is appropriate, for medical reasons. But like all medical interventions, it does increase the risks to mother and child.

Inducing for scheduling reasons is a bad idea. It will be very sad if your husband misses your birth, but it sounds like it may be unavoidable. Of course, due dates are estimations, not deadlines. You baby may wait until daddy gets back. Or maybe not.

Put together a support system in case you go into labor while your husband is gone. Take lots of video for him and be prepared to let him grieve if he misses it.

My sympathy.

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answers from Wichita on


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answers from Provo on

Leslie M hit it right on the nail. As wonderful as it is to have your hubby there, its soooooooo not worth the risks to you and the baby.

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answers from Washington DC on

I was induced with my second, it was very fast and easy, although I was 4 cm when i went into start. You may want to start with having him strip your membranes to get things going, that helped with my first child, and my water broke 3 days later. I don't know the specifics about your SIL, but a lot of times a labor doesn't progress because how the baby is positioned, not necessarily a failure of the induction.

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answers from Youngstown on

I was induced with my first two kids. My first because I was 11 days late and showing no real signs of labor. I delivered my daughter after 12 hours of labor. With my son I was induced the day before my due date because I was dilated and my doctor didn't think it was best for me to walk around so far dilated thinking the baby would come too fast if we waited. He was born 3 hours after I was induced. Good luck. I know it can be scary but it does work well sometimes too.

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answers from Williamsport on

Depends how important your husband being there is. Inducing does make labor harder. I didn't know until it happened with my first, and I didn't allow it for my next two. BUT. Your husband will miss it most likely if you don't induce which is a drag. The fact of the matter is, it's best for your baby to let him/her grow as long as possible in utero, and best to let your body do it's thing unless it is an emergency.

Stack up the importance of your labor vs you husbands obligation. Is HIS obligation as impossible/difficult to move as your ONLY birth of this child? Sometimes it's funny how women will go to the ends of the earth to accommodate, while men just "do their thing". Just make sure that's not what's happening. If he really cannot possibly call his thing off, it's not unheard of to induce and get things done to your schedule. You will still have a healthy baby when all is said and done-hopefully without induction complications.

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answers from Portland on

I was induced with my first child and almost preferred it to going into labor on my own the second time. I felt it was much more predictable when being induced and to me was less painful then the second time. I would keep your mind open to it, if done right, it doesn't have to be awful. Good luck!!

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answers from Dallas on

Go ahead and induce if you want him there. You can't get that moment back. Don't let everyone scare you off of an induction...things could go wrong, but most likely will go fine. Natural birth...things could go wrong, but most likely will go fine. Its your body and your experience and chances are you won't regret the induction. (I had two inductions both with epidurals and my birth experiences were just amazing and wonderful).

Good luck and enjoy every minute!

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answers from Portland on

I was induced for both mine, and had fine deliveries with both. My first labor was 4 1/2 hours, start to finish. My second was longer, about 12 hours, but the majority of it was really easy labor. They broke my water after about 8 hours, and then woosh, labor really started and I had my baby 4 hours later. I'm not even sure that I'd call the first 8 hours labor--they were more like labor prep. The type of contractions you'd have as you worked toward dialation or that you'd stay home for while waiting for real labor to begin. So the bottom line is that it won't necessarily be awful. Good luck and good health!

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answers from Portland on

Do your own research on Pitocin. From my own personal experience & other friends who have had it used on them we say Satin had to make that drug & it is the drug of choice for doctors to use to induce labor. If you have Netflix you can instantly watch the movie: The Business of Being Born, produced by Ricki Lake. A lot of great information in this movie for pregnant women. Contact a Doula or a Midwife there are natural ways of inducing that will not hurt you or your baby.

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answers from Milwaukee on

I was induced three days past my due date bc my waters had been leaking very slowly for 4 days (I didnt realize it was my waters bc it was so slow). Anyway I was induced and still did the pain-med free Bradley method w my husband - and had a VERY fast and intense labor 2.5 hours active, 1 minute pushing. BUT this was also my 2nd birth. I had pitocin w my first & it caused complications w my daughter & they ended up needing to use forceps to get her out stat. I'm telling you this bc I think first births are trickier, so if it was my first, I'd elect NOT to be induced. You CAN give birth without your husband and it WILL be worth it if you it means you won't have complications. My first was in the NICU for 24 hours. It sucked.

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answers from Dover on

I am of the understanding and the opinion that a baby will come when he/she is ready. Unless medically necessary for mother or child, induction should not be done. Due dates are estimates so inducing 2 weeks early could really be 4 weeks early.

Let me further elaborate...early delivery runs the risk of several possible complications such as under-developed lungs or other not being able to hold their temperature as well as others. Yes, some of those can happed even if you go in labor naturally but that is something you can't hlep.

I understand wanting your husband there but my opinion is that I would prefer to have my husband miss my child's birth if having him there meant increasing the possibility of putting my child at risk by delivering too early.

Ultimately, you and your husband have to make that decision so you will have to go with your gut/instinct and all the information you can gather. Talk to your doctor. Ask him not just if he is WILLING to do it but rather what things you need to consider and the risks involved.

Best of luck to you.

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answers from San Francisco on

please know that everyone's experience will be different so try not to be scared by others' experiences. I also really didn't want to be induced after a friend of mine who was due 2 weeks before me had to be induced and underwent an exhaustively long labor like your SIL and said her contractions were almost unbearable (also she wasn't able to get an epidural). But when I hit 39 weeks without any noticeable contractions my doc said if I didn't go into labor by 41 weeks we ought to induce. Well 41 weeks came and still no labor so I was induced, and all in all it went about as well as I could have hoped - by the time I hit my pain threshold my doc said I was dilated enough for an epidural (boy was I glad I took it - was ready to name my first child after whoever invented it LOL), 3 hours later ready to push, then about an hour or so later my babies were delivered vaginally (baby B by breech extraction) and healthy.

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answers from Eugene on

I would not be induced. Let you baby arrive as she/he will. It's about being born at the right time to do the work you were sent here to do.
Maybe he baby will show up late. What is your track record on early or late delivery?

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answers from Seattle on

I was induced twice, with my first baby and my last. Neither was the nightmare scenario your sil experienced. The first was harder than the second, but neither was awful. My body had not progressed towards labor with the first, but had with the second. Good luck making your decision.

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answers from Portland on

That's a tough one, but I don't think I would do it. I'm a firm believer in letting baby control the timing. They know best. If your husband misses it, he'll be there soon after. If you have other support, I'd wait for sure. Either way, I'm sure all will work out just fine though. Congratulations!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I had an AWESOME experience with being induced. My experience was so positive, but I think it helps when you have a great medical team. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, maybe he/she can ease them a bit.

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answers from Seattle on

I was induced with my second child and my labor was hard. I couldn't move around, which was the most difficult. I had preclampsia, so I had no choice. I wouldn't want to do it again but I wouldn't be afraid either. It is just that the contractions come on from the get go and don't give you any break.'it is very different thn with a regular delivery. My labor was about 10 hours from the IV to birth, so not too bad. However, you should know that the vast majority of inductions end in a c-section and it will be very hard for you to care for your infant on your own while recovering from major surgery. There were 6 complicated deliveries in the hospital the day I had my son and I was the only person who did not have a c-section. Since
then I learned that inductions often end in c-sections.
With my first baby, I don't know if I was effaced or dialated or anything because my doctor didn't see a need to check until I was overdue. 10 days before my due date my massage therapist (also a doula) worked my pressure points and I went into labor that night.
I would try something like that first before I induced. Then again, you could have a baby that is 12 days late!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I was induced with my first two babies (and will be for this next one), and for me, it was a wonderful experience. No problems at all. I was able to get my epidural immediately, and the birth experience was positive and relaxing.

I did end up pushing for 2 hours with my first...he was a BIG baby, and I am a small-framed woman!! That was the worst part for me.



answers from Seattle on

I was in this situation with my second child. It was particularly heart breaking because he missed the birth of our first child as well, and we are not going to have more. (He is military). We decided that it was in our family's best interest to wait. Our thinking was that induction significantly increases your risk of c-section and if that happened, then he would be there for the birth and then deploy and leave me to recover from a c-section and take care of the kids by myself. We both agreed that such a situation would be worse for all of us (and he did not want to live with the guilt if the induction went poorly). My second daughter was born 3 days after he left. But my body was ready. the baby was ready, and we both did really well. I think it was worth it and hubby felt good about the decision.


answers from Los Angeles on

i was induced, it didnt last long i was induced dec 11, 09 at 2:30 pm, my daughter was born dec 12 at 1:15 am!!! so it wasnt that bad i just focused on having my child in my arms and the pain will go away right after she is out!!! its a pain worth while!!! ull soon forget about it once u have your precious lil angel in your arms!!!



answers from Tampa on

As much as I understand how important it would be to have your husband there... I would not say that is a medically necessary enough reason to induce and possibly cause complications and interventions that could very easily turn into a FAILED induction which will end in a cesarean.

Insist on having a video taken of the birth... who knows - he may be back in time for the birth after his time away - maybe see if he can go NOW instead of then.


answers from Los Angeles on

Go with your gut. I think it would be very nice for both of you if your husband is there. That is very important to a dad, and you will want him there!! Everyone is different. I was in labor for 4 hours and my sister for 4 days. Either way, you will end up having a beautiful baby. The hospital stay is the least important thing about it when you think about what you are getting out of it. If possible, I would get induced the day before you are due so you have a grace period just in case. You will either have it naturally or have to be induced while your husband is gone if you don't induce before he leaves, so why not try to make him be there you know?



answers from New York on

I guess it depends on if you are OK with your husband being gone. Not all
induced labors are like that. Actually most go pretty quickly. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

I've been induced twice. Just know that your baby has to come out sooner or later, LOL! I remember my first pregnancy and how scared I was, everything was brand new, I didn't know what to expect even after attending the birthing classes. Don't let your husband miss the birth due to fear. Clearly woman find it to not be as big of a deal as they think because they keep having children! I understand your fear, we have all been there, it's normal. But you will forever regret not being induced and seeing your baby and their father lock eyes in those first few moments of being welcomed to the world. Get strong, you are about to be a mommy and mommy's have to become mama bears!!! Just do it!!!!!! You can totally conquer your fear and once you do, you'll go, "piece of cake, bring on baby #2!). Do this for your family:)



answers from Hartford on

i was induced and i was in labor for 4 hours.. it all went quickly and easily. i feel i was very lucky but everyone is going to be different



answers from Dallas on

The first time, I was induced and water broken at 7:00 am and had my daughter at 12:56 pm. Only 6 hours. Wonderful. Second time, My daughter was supposed to be induced at 7:00 am and my water broke at 4:00 am. I had her at 7:56 am. So only 4 hours. I hope this one comes out as quickly if not faster. :~)



answers from Chicago on

Honestly, I couldn't imagine not having my husband, the father of my child, not at the birth of our baby. If I were in your place I would totally opt for the induction. I know many women who've had it turn out well. And, even if it did result in a c-section, that isn't the end of the world. I'm about to have my second c-section in a week. They aren't as bad as some women make them out to be! To me, even a c-section would be worth it to make sure my husband was present. And, once you make it to 37 weeks you are considered full term. Some women try to scare you into thinking it could be so harmful to the baby to be born "early". My twins were born at 38 weeks and were as healthy as could be!



answers from Sherman on

I was induced with 2 of my 3 and it was FABULOUS!!! You sil 38 hour labor could have happened even if she went into labor naturally. Everyone's labor is different. My husband is my rock and I cannot imagine not having him there during the birth of my children; especially my first!



answers from Medford on

Please know that not all induction labors are awful. I was induced for medical reasons when I had my daughter. It was my first labor, I was at 39 weeks 3 days and I was already dilated to 3 cm when the induction began. My labor lasted only 6 1/2 hours and I needed no episiotomy. I did have a minor tear, but nothing that has caused any lasting effect. It was painful and I did have an epidural, but that was my plan because I know my tolerance for pain is not very high. My daughter was born healthy and had been ever since.



answers from Seattle on

Sometimes they come early, sometimes late. :)

Moms have been known to deliver when their partner is most available. When a dad comes back from deployment or awhile before he has to leave. For most moms, not inducing is the easier option than induction. For most. Not all.

As someone else mentioned, there are natural ways to try to start labor beside medical induction. Sex, nipple stimulation and stripping membranes are options that have tended to have good results. Talk to your doctor about other options.


answers from Dallas on

Being induced, for me, was an awesome experience. I had pre-e, so I had to be induced, but I was put on pitocin at 6am, broke my water at 6:45a which started the active labor, and he was born at 9:47a (3 hour labor!! first baby) I did it without pain meds because they scared me more than the pain lol. If it were me, I'd do it so he could be there...


answers from Las Vegas on

I was induced and had no problems with the labor process. The only reason I had to do an emergency c-section is because her umbilical chord was over her shoulder and cut off her supply when I had contractions. I know of a few moms who had to be induced and went normally. My best friend was induced and had a normal birth after not too long, can't remember the exact time frame but it wasn't very long.

@Karen, I didn't know it caused risks. Could you list a few? I'm curious :)



answers from Cleveland on

i was induced and had total of 15 hrs from the start of the meds at 9am to having her at 1123pm that night



answers from Richmond on

don't allow yourself to be induced, too many chances of complications, infection etc. babies come when they are ready. you said so yourself that you thought that the doctor got your due date wrong, why risk it. sure the doctor is perfectly willing to induce you but, he is not going to be the one suffering, you are.of course he is willing to induce, hes not the one that is going to pushing, sweating and swearing. can the doctor guarantee you that if he is allowed to induce your labor that there will be no unforeseen complications, NO.he cant. dont risk it.if the baby is born after your husband leaves, it will be story he can brag about to all his buddies on base.dont worry, our baby was born in our apartment bathroom, her father delivered her.
K. h.


answers from Los Angeles on

Oh, your SIL's situation is not typical! I was induced with my son and my water broke 5 hours later, then gave birth within another 5 hours. So, 10 hours of easy labor! Don't freak yourself out and assume it's going to be bad! Good luck!



answers from Orlando on

I was induced with both of my children, delivered both without c-section, and have two very healthy little girls.

With my first I had pregnancy induced hyper tension, so I was induced at 37 weeks. In hindsight I probably should have done the bed rest instead, but they assured me my daughter was healthy and the decision was mine. They would do whatever I wanted. I only had 6 weeks of maternity leave and I didn't want to spend three weeks without the baby, and then I would have no one to watch her before daycare accepted her at 6 weeks. When I got to the hospital they had to stop my contractions before they could induce me. So it took some time. I got there at 4pm on a Tuesday and she was born at 10:50pm on Wednesday. But only about 3 hours of active (as in you can feel the pain of contractions) labor. The only scary part was her heart rate was dropping and during delivery we discovered the cord was around her next a few times. But she is BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY!!!

For my second I was nervous because of how easy I thought everything was the first time. But finally at almost 42 weeks and in soooo much pain for the last 5 weeks, while chasing a two year old. I was finally induced. I had also gone for 3 non stress tests in the previous week becuase I wasn't feeling the baby move. All ultrasounds came back fine, but I was getting pretty far past my due date. I was induced at 9am on Monday, had my water broke at 11:35, had the epidural at 2pm and baby was born at 2:42. She is BEAUTIFUL and HEALTHY. The easiest most wonderful labor, I almost didn't get the epi. (almost!)

Good luck whatever you decide, for me it was the best decision we could have made. :)

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