Anyone Else Have This with Their Whirlpool Duet Washer or Dryer?

Updated on May 18, 2009
M.C. asks from Noblesville, IN
6 answers

Hi Moms,
I have a Whirlpool Duet Washer and Dryer that we've had for about 2 years. Generally I like them both, and don't have any complaints. Except recently we've had several cotton tshirts come out with black streak marks on them. I'm not sure if it's coming from the washer or the dryer, but it almost looks they are getting stuck somewhere inside the drum and then get pulled leaving this black mark. It's not disfuring or tearing the clothes, just leaving these few black marks on the cotton tshirts. Anyone else have this problem? If so, what did you do about it, and how did you get those black streak marks out of your clothes. Thanks ladies!

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So What Happened?

I have to tell you that I was skeptical about checking under the gasket on the front of the washing machine, but I was wrong! I lifted up the gasket, and sure enough there was one of my 2 year old's white sock stuck it there. It wasn't white any longer though! I took it out and wiped it out with a towel as suggested. Hopefully that will fix the problem. Thanks so much for all of your suggestions!

More Answers



answers from Cincinnati on

I have had that happen with my set too. I cant get the marks out bc I notice it after it is all dried. Mostly happens to my husbands white undershirts. Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

my son and daughter in law, had the same problem they called the manufacter and they said they were aware of the problem and they had sent someone out to fix it I can not tell you any more about it but I know it is casued from the washer its self. good luck



answers from Canton on

I have the same thing happening to my clothes. Mine are getting caught in the dryer when it's spinning. I have used Spray-N-Wash to get it out.



answers from Lima on

I dont' have whirpool, but I"ve had similar problems, and most likely what is happening is that the shirts are getting caught under the very bottom of the agitator. You can try a repairman and see if it just needs tightening down. If that doesn't work, then it is time to get a new one. Sorry.



answers from Cleveland on

Happening here too. We really need to call someone to come check it out. It happens with our sheets, which is really bugging me.



answers from Columbus on

It's probably from the gasket on the front of the washer. Have you ever cleaned underneath it? (Pull it back gently, and wipe out with a towel). It can also "catch" some socks or small clothes.

I make sure I leave the washer door open when not in use because otherwise it will begin to smell. They also make a cleaner for the washer. It's a tablet that you put in and run with an empty washer. I forget the name of it, but they sell it at home depot.

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