Almost 3 Year Old Has Knee Injury and Can't Walk. How Long Will This Last?!

Updated on October 12, 2010
L.P. asks from Bluemont, VA
5 answers

On Saturday my almost-3-year old daughter hurt her knee when she fell on the "Pillow Bounce" at Great Country Farms. We went to the ER and were told to wait and see, nothing apparently wrong. We waited. Now it's Tuesday, she still can't walk. So we went to the ped and then the orthopedist. Still no help. Good news is that they are sure there are no breaks, no tears, no infection, but they don't know what IS wrong and are surprised it's lasted this long. We were sent home with, "If it's not better in a couple days, come back."

Has anyone else experienced something like this? What's the longest recovery time for an injury that requires no treatment, only rest?

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answers from Columbus on

My daughter's knee has been treated this way, she is in an imoblizer for another week, was in it for 6 weeks, after she just dyslocated for no reason. No one has touched it, at the ER or the orthepedists office, they just xrayed, put it int he imobleizer, and told us to wait and hope that it all heals fine. She might be able to walk if they put one of these on, they are soft, with steele rods in them, and four velcro straps to hold it tight. I would ask, at least she might be able to get on her feet.





answers from Evansville on

I work for a chiropractor, and I see him treat kids all the time that tweak their knees/backs on the trampolines or bounce houses. (Adults actually tweak themselves more on bounce houses though!) I have had my lil girl adjusted since she was 2 weeks old. Insurance usually covers it, if you don't have insurance you still can get a pretty good deal on the treatment. Most chiropractor are willing to work with you on price if your insurance won't cover it.
Just a side note: I got my wrist adjusted last year. I was told I needed surgery when I went to the MD 5 years ago in pain. I couldn't sleep my wrist hurt so bad and I couldn't afford surgery. I met the chiropractor and he said it was an easy fix. You'd be amazed what pressure on a nerve will do, including making you walk funny.


answers from Los Angeles on

does it hurt her when she tries to stand on it? maybe she's afraid to walk on it since it hurt her when she got hurt. all she knows is the pain. she might not know the reason.



answers from Harrisburg on

I have a sciatica pull that lasted about a week. For a child, I would assume it is just super sore right now and swollen. Keep following the drs instructions for icing it, elevating it, etc and it should ease up in about a week or two. Kids bounce back pretty well, and since she is 3 she probably can't stay still and making it worse...It will get better soon.



answers from Boston on

My son did this he refused to walk last summer after falling and getting hurt well the ER doc said "do you want a pop?" My son hopped off the bed and walked out in the hall to the nurses desk w/ him no problem for that pop. I will tell you from personal experience that if she did pull something, twist or sprain it it can take longer to heal the a break if its bad enough.

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