2 Yeaold Hates His Hair Washed

Updated on March 26, 2011
V.L. asks from Olympia, WA
11 answers

Ok so my two yearold hates his hair washed it is a fight at every bath. With my middle child I had the same problem till I learned a trick of letting him hold a wash cloth over his face to keep the water out of his eyes. I have tried it again and it is not working this time. My 2 yearold will not keep the wash cloth there. As soon as he realizes I have the water he freaks out. Other than that he loves bath time so he isnt afraid of water. I have tried just a light wash using the wash cloth and he hates that as well. any other tips anyone can think of?

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answers from Dallas on

On a whim, I tried some cheap swim goggles for hair washing, and they worked! It's a little tricky to work around the strap in the back, but well worth the trouble for the ease of use.

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answers from Chicago on

Shave his head. End of problem.

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answers from San Francisco on

Cut it short, keep the hair washing time to a minimum. Perhaps take her to the drug store and show him all the kid friendly products, let him smell an pick his own. Actually, in the bath after her hair is wet, put a small amount of shampoo in her little hands and let him work it in, taking care not to get any in the eyes.


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answers from Kansas City on

give him a big cup (a BIG one so he doesn't have to do it too many times) and show him how to do it himself. my son is 4 and still isn't thrilled about it, but i give him the option of me doing it or him doing it, and sometimes he picks one, sometimes the other. it takes some of the fight out of it. the water has probably gotten in his eyes at some point. mine literally did not trust that i would get his hair wet without getting it in his eyes. once he saw that it happened when he did it, too, he learned to get used to it. worth a shot!

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answers from Honolulu on

My son was like that.
So my Husband, had him, while in the tub, lean back and put his head over the tub edge. So his head would be hanging partially over the outside of the tub. Then, he'd wash his hair that way.
Our tub, is also in the shower enclosure. So we can do it this way.
Washing his hair that way, the water does not drip over his face or the soap.

Or, have your son hang his head BACK.... leaning back, so the water does not drip over his face.

Or, have him at the laundry or kitchen sink. Maybe that would work?
Standing on a stool.



answers from New York on

Since he isn't afraid of water, maybe you should try laying him back in the tub and using your hand to wash the water out. This way, the water isn't getting in his face at all, and he won't hate it so much. Also you can try limiting the hair washing to every other day instead of everyday. I hope this help. :)



answers from Portland on

We had this same problem when my oldest was 2 or 3. He was seeing an occupational therapist at the same time for some sensory issues and she had him practice on a toy (with shampoo and water) and also had me put a towel folded up in the bath to be a pillow. No water in his eyes/ face while he lies on pillow for the shampoo and the rinse. He is now 5, still has the same issues in the bath, but most the time takes a shower and doesn't have the problem as much in the shower.



answers from New York on

My son 3 and still like that. Try to avoid washing the front if possible, that seems to be where most of the issue is. Also, how often do you wash his hair? He probably has short hair, right? He doesn't need his hair washed more than once a week. Can you go once every 2 weeks? Especially in the winter or spring I think that is ok.



answers from Cincinnati on

i have a few M&Ms next to the bath and promise to give her 3 of them if she lets me wash...works every time...AND we count the m&ms so it helps her learn



answers from Portland on

Okay, this is some extra work, but for my temporarily hydrophobic son, this worked like a charm. (He would literally freak out in the tub for about a year... had his share of baths in the kitchen sink.)

We do it like a beauty parlor, but in the kitchen sink. I clear the counter, place a rolled-up towel on the edge of the sink, and have him lie on the counter with his head over the sink and wash it like that. This was his idea, by the way, and so it works very well. No water in the face, and if you are careful, no water in the ears either.

I'm just concerned he's going to outgrown the counter before he gets comfortable with washing his hair somehow in the tub.:) But an older child is a better participant, more receptive to our direction. Anyway, this is what works for us for now.

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