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Results 1-10 from 76 articles

Skin Care for 10 Year Old

K.W. asks from Chattanooga

My Granddaughter has rough bumps on her face and the back of her arms. Description: red bumps and some have whiteheads, feels like sand paper. The doctor says nothi...



A.P. asks from Fort Wayne

My 3 and a half month old has eczema. The doctor said to put hydrocortizone creme .5% on the affected areas and then put a moisturizer on top of it. He recommended Aq...


1 Year Old with Severe Eczema and Food Allergies-Any Suggestions

L.D. asks from Detroit

I have a 1 year old son with severe eczema. He is allergic to milk, wheat, peanuts, tree nuts, strawberries, bananas, pineapples, grapes, polyester,acrylic, and who ...


Dealing with Eczema

R.R. asks from Dallas

I am the "momma" of a wonderful 9 almost 10 month old boy. He is having a tough time with the itchy, dry skin that eczema causes. There are times when it seems that...


Odd Ongoing Rash on 6 Month Old's Face

S.I. asks from Johnson City

Hi moms! At around 3 1/2 months old my daughter developed a small, roundish, red, rough, rash on her cheek. When I took her to her 4 month check-up I asked the ped an...


3 Year Old's Dry, Itchy Hands

H.M. asks from Phoenix

My daughter started preschool a couple of months ago and they have her wash her hands very frequently. She now has extremely dry, cracked hands. I had the class switc...


Help for Son with Acne

T.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 13 year old is really starting to get acne. He has always had an abundance of sweat glands, he even used to sweat as an infant when he nursed! Any suggestions fo...


5 Year Old and Night Terrors

B.F. asks from New York

I am at my wits end! My 5 year old son is waking with Night Terrors every night. It usually occurs between 1 and half to two hours after he falls asleep. It is awful....


What Is Happening to My Daughter?!?!?!

M.G. asks from Denver

Today I came home from work and my 10 year old daughter was crying. When I asked her what was wrong she showed me her hands, and they were BRIGHT red. Like a sun bur...


Seeking Help with Eczema

J.Z. asks from Chicago

I have two children ages 1 and 2 that I believe have eczema. My daughter had it when she was a new born, but has gone away for almost two years until just a couple o...