Nutrition: Infant, Princess

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27 answers

"My Princess Boy" and "What Would You Do"...

I have a little girl (two actually) that are 1/2 princess, 1/2 tomboy. My 3 y/o has an iron man mask, pirate costumes, police costumes, as well as princess and fairy costumes. I have no issue with her playing with trucks or trains or cars. I seriously cannot understand why it's so "unheard" of to have boys play house or barbies. How many of you moms would be weirded out if your boy would be intersested in this kind of play? I have no boys yet, but my hubby agrees with me.

Solid Foods & Weaning

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11 answers

What Happend to My Sleeping Princess??

My almost 11 month old dd has done a complete 180 on us here is her old sleep schedual 7pm bed no fussing 1am and 5 am bottle 7am wake play in crib play until around 8am 10-11 nap 1hr 230-3 nap 1.5 -2 hr now its 7pm bed after 5 min crying wants to be rocked to sleep 3am bottle up for an hr wanting to be held and rocked 6am up and no more hanging out in crib 10-11 nap 30mins if lucky 3pm nap 2 hrs and she is a beast trying to get her to go down and she NEEDS this nap it gets bad real quick so what has happened? she was like...


How Do I Wean?

How do I wean my 11 mos old that will not eat other foods? She'll eat foods...