Housekeeping: Steroids

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27 answers

Pulmicort - Steroids for Asthma/Lung Issues

Do any of you have children who have taken Pulmicort or another steroid for asthma/lung issues. My son was born 3 months premature and therefore had immature lungs. In addition he had a chest tube for a pneumo-thorax and pneumonia all in the first two weeks of life, came home on oxygen, etc. This was all a year ago and he's doing incredible. Has been off of oxygen since April. All of that said, he is struggling with weather changes and the cold and flu season. A tiny cold leads to wheezing and bronchiolitis almost every time. My doc...


Treatment for Asthma

Hi, Is there any treatment for asthma? Homeopathy or some other medicine,...

Stain Removal

13 answers

Cat Vomit Stain Removal

Hi. I have two cats who tend to eat too fast and vomit on my light gray carpet. I've tried all sorts of different commercial stain removers, but nothing works well, especially on older stains. (Sometimes it's days/weeks till I find the vomit "hiding spot.") They do much better when I give them a little food at a time so they have breathing room in between, but I still need help with these stains. Any suggestions are appreciated. Additional info: The cats eat organic canned cat food as recommended by their holistic vet. (They eat...