Formula: Baby Bjorn

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45 answers

Help Finding the Right Formula

I have been having a tough time with finding the right formula for my son(Aiden). I have a beautiful 2 1/2 mnth son. He has a slight acid reflux and dr prescribed Axid(a mild anit-acid) and seems to working fairly well. There are still times when he is taking the bottle that you can hear the "gurgling" in his belly and he gets lots of gas on a daily basis. I have been giving Aiden Mylicon also, but that does not seem to help as much. Aiden is on Simalac ALimentium. I hear that Nestles Good Start works really well too. However, my...


Help with Acid Reflux

I'm pretty sure my 6-week-old has acid reflux (I've read up on it, talked to...