Eating Solid Foods & Weaning: Preschooler, Aquaphor

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61 answers

4 y.o. With Bad Case of Eczema

My four year old daughter has had Eczema on and off since she was born. In the past I have taken her to the pediatrician and gotten a prescription for a skin cream. She has been there so much lately for illness that I hate going back for this. I have tried Gold Bond medicated and Huggies baby lotion. She has Asthma so I know it is linked to that. She has some large horrible patches on the inside of her thigh. Any suggestions?


Dealing with Eczema

I am the "momma" of a wonderful 9 almost 10 month old boy. He is having a...

Allergen Foods

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26 answers

Excema = Allergy?

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has had bad excema since about 2 months. Under my ped's advice, I use Cortisone and Aquaphor, but it's still there. It is getting a little better but nonetheless, it's still there. I don't know if it could be a milk allergy, or dust allergy. Could he develop asthma because of this? I question my ped all the time and he just says "Awww don't worry about it. If he's eating, sleeping, and playing, then he's fine." But as a Mom I am concerned. Help Mamasource! :)