Cooking: V Tech

12 answers

Mom Looking for Educational Toys

Does anybody know of any GREAT educational toys I can get for my son? I'm looking for things I can work with him on his colors, shapes etc. He's only 10 months old. I just want to start introducing him to these things--showing him colors, shapes etc. Thanks for your help in advance!

Eating In

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29 answers

Best Video Game System for 5 Year Old Girl?

Hello everyone, I am wondering if you can help! We are considering getting some kind of video game system for Christmas for our just-turned-5 year old girl. She is in kindergarten and she LOVES playing games on the computer. I would like to get something that she could play on a TV, hopefully with educational games (I'm OK with others, too, but I want some educational ones as options). I have looked at the V-tech system but reviews by other parents seem to be pretty lukewarm (mostly based on the quality of the product), and I'm worried...