Teeth for Teething Biscuits??

Updated on March 28, 2011
K.M. asks from Eagle Pass, TX
9 answers

Hey There!!

So my daughter is a week and a half shy of 7 months & still no teeth...
I have a four year old but he already had teeth by the time he was 4 months old so my question is
does she need to have teeth to have a teething biscuit??

I make her food & have a recipe for a teething biscuit banana bread so I was just curious if I needed to wait

Thanks ladies : o)

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answers from Lakeland on

Nope! Let her have that banana bread biscuit! And then if you get a chance, send the recipe to me. I know my little guy would love it. :)

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answers from Killeen on

She can, but let me warn you, they are REALLY messy!!! I literally threw a whole box away after my daughter tried a couple b/c I didn't want the mess anymore!! I would recommend putting crushed ice in the center of a washcloth, secure it with a rubber band (so the ice can't get out of the middle), then dampen the washcloth and let her chew on the part with the ice inside. It's not too cold on the gums, but cold enough to relieve some of the pain =) Also, I've heard you can give frozen waffles to babies as a teether b/c it's already fully cooked, and not too hard where it will hurt their gums

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answers from Johnstown on

Nope, as long as she can gum it, she's good to go :)


answers from Provo on

Oh my son loooved drooling all over the biscuits. He loved it even more after he could eat them!



answers from Los Angeles on

No, she can be teething without actually having the teeth in yet and it'll be good for her to have something to gnaw on with her sore gums. Especially something that sounds as good as a banana bread teething biscuit--that sounds really cool! :-)



answers from Raleigh on

I have a 7 mo old and I buy the beech nut biter biscuits. She is crawling and pulling up, but has no teeth. She loves them and gnaws them to complete goo. I don't think it's too early, esp if she can sit up on her own. Just keep your eye on her while she's eating them. It's definitely a supervised thing at first! And yes, they make a complete mess, just like the other moms said.


answers from Rochester on

Well, my eleven month old doesn't have any teeth yet...and of course, she wants to eat! :) I give her cereal, toast, teething biscuits, crackers, soft fruit, etc...just hold off on the hunks of meat! :)



answers from Kansas City on

I hate the teething biscuits! My daughter choked on one...with me sitting right there so I was, of course, able to do the heimlich on her. NOT A FAN! I can't remember exactly how old she was, but she did have a few teeth. As she was chewing on it (knawing, whatever they do) a huge chunk broke off in her mouth and she started choking. So scary. I guess it can happen with anything, but I will not be using them with my son.



answers from Dallas on

Yes, she can have them! They are REALLY messy, though :)

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