Pros and Cons

Updated on September 10, 2008
M.Z. asks from Spicewood, TX
13 answers

i was curious as to what are some of the most difficult things other moms have dealt with with their kids and the best things they have gotten to experience with their children.

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answers from Austin on

Most difficult - when my DD's biological dad terminated his parental rights to her. It was bitter-sweet. The other most difficult thing, for me, was changing my parenting style. I learned the hard way that my DD needed me to let go a little and be more of a mentor parent instead of a smothering mother. My preferred parenting style is attachment parenting, so as she got older, she was less interested in my parenting style.

The best experience - when my oldest DD actually thanked me for homeschooling her. She said that she enjoys learning now and has a better social life than when she was in public school.

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answers from Houston on

Easily the most difficult thing to deal with was my son's diagnosis with Aspergers. But that challenge has led us to some of our best experiences with our children. Because of his condition we were forced to slow down and appreciate the little victories. We can't take the simple things for granted and it has made a world of difference to our entire family. Also through him I believe I have found my true calling. I was a high school social studies teacher before becoming a stay at home mom and now when I am ready to return to work I intend to get my certification in special education and concentrate on teaching students with autism. That would not have happened without my son opening my heart and showing me what awesome potential lies in all children on the autism spectrum.

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answers from Austin on

Great Question!

The hardest thing has been that my mother in law favors her other grandchildren. It is probably because she does not care for me. Her daughter has money and in their family that means success. My MIL rarely attended any of of our daughter's school events (2 times in all of the yrs). The few extra curricular activities, MIL was out of town or would "forget". What is a shame is that even for the graduation ceremonies, MIL seemed to begrudenly attend. She says "she loves her just does not do well at those types of events". Of course she attends the events for the other grandchildren. My poor husband has been so hurt by all of this also.

The best parts have been almost everyday. She loves school, her teachers, learning. She loved hearing other opinions and sharing her own. I loved picking her up from school and hearing how the day went, good or bad. She adores reading and until she was in the 7th grade, I read every book she ever read cause she loved to discuss them. Now she is in college and once again she is loving the entire experience and we still share how the days are, her new experiences and her new life.

I have no regrets because we did our best. We tried to make good decisions. We were honest with her and had no secrets. We always told her how we felt about her and that we trusted her judgement.

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answers from Houston on

Most difficult things - not letting fear of something happening to my beautiful kids keep me from letting them live life to the fullest and potty training my daughter who decided she did not want to poop on the potty (she was almost 5 before she finally decided to do it...we tried everything under the sun but you can't make them no matter what you do!). The most wonderful thing I've ever experienced is hearing them laugh, hearing them say "I love you mommy" (especially the first time) and experiencing with them their excitement at every new discovery (butterflies, airplanes, flowers, clouds, the whole world is new all over when you see it through your children's eyes). Thanks for asking this question. Somedays I get stuck focusing on how tired or frustrating kids can be and it's nice to start the day being reminded that there's nothing as fulfilling as loving my kids.



answers from Houston on

The hardest thing I have ever dealt my newborn babies diagnosis with a rare metabolic disorder. It was so tough when the state called me and told me to stop breastfeeding and get to the doc NOW. It unfortunately sent me into a spiral of severe post partum depression and anxiety. It has been really hard for the whole family especially me. I took it the worst. Anyways my baby is doing fine now, and with a special diet and close care at Texas Children's she should be just fine! I am also fighting my depression head on! I got help right away, and am very proud of myself for it! The most wonderful thing is just laughing with my kids! My 2 year old is such a riot, and my 4 month old started laughing just today!!! It is enough to fill my heart with such joy when I watch them enjoying life! I think I love the innocence that children have. My almost 3 year old LOVES cakes. Is just obsessed with them so a trip to the grocery store to look at the bakery just makes her week. If we could only be able to find joy in the things a child can as adults this world would be a better place!! Take care everyone and god bless!!



answers from Houston on

Most difficult is getting married and blending our family. It's so hard when you never heard complains about your parenting skills or remarks about your kids ,and how spoiled they are etc ...until after living together . That to me has been the most difficult situation for a mother. Best thing about being a mom is feeling of your heart outside your body. When i hug my son i just feel overwelmed with love and feel so lucky to have this child.



answers from San Antonio on

Wow, some of the mom's here have dealt with huge challenges/difficulties.

Difficult - spending 4 days in the hospital with RSV, potty training, whining, temper tantrums, 24/7 repetition of mothering,

Best Things - holding them and rocking them, sweet kisses, being told "you are the best mommy in the whole world", seeing everything as new, going places and having adventures (even just to the grocery store), reading at bedtime, being fully potty trained.

I love this question!!



answers from San Antonio on

Hardest ones: realizing you can't truly protect your kids when that's all you want to do; dealing with all the sibling fighting over silly stuff; finding time for just me; loss of sleep in the early years; knowing that all this "fun" won't stay the same but lessen in time; trying to do it all successfully with a good attitude

Greatest ones: laughter, unconditional affection, them wanting to please me, watching them learn and better themselves, camping and family outings (when you are forced to do nothing but play with your kids), seeing others enjoy being around your kids



answers from Houston on

My Pro(s)-Breastfeeding, smiles, learning to live life again (discovering a flower and the moon all over again), and the fact that they are such a gift from god! and watching teenagers embrace their own thoughts and dreams!
My Con-Breastfeeding (hehe the baby cut teeth at 2 mos-finished breasting at 14 mos), loss of sleep, fear of anything happening (those fears are not always sane when u have not slept), and the proverbial "do it right" in parenting them.
Peace! and thanks for asking!



answers from San Antonio on

The hardest thing my daughter and I have gone though was the divorce with my ex. He picks her up when he wants. He is not her life very much but its been over a year and she is a lot better. She has been in daycare since the divorce and stared Pre-K this year. She loves Her "BIG SCHOOL". The best thing well its a daily base. The min. I pick her up and she starts to talk to me about her day. The things that she learned in school. The times we go to Sea World or the Zoo. Just to see her face. Even when we don't do any thing but stay at home and read a book or a new movie. Just to get out of the house when I have no money and go to the park and let her run around. So, the best thing I have to say is having a nother day with my little girl.



answers from San Antonio on

Great question! I love discussion questions like this.

Moving was the hardest thing for us. Making new friends and being so far from family has been so difficult. After returning to Indiana for a 3 week visit though, everyone has gotten closer and SA is very much our home now. We have some great friends here now and are becoming more active in the community. Now it is one of the best things that we have gotten to do with our daughter. We get SO much time with her now. It has just really been the best thing we could have done.
The other great thing that comes to my is our trip to Aruba last fall. We got to show our daughter the ocean for the first time and just spend so much time with eachother. It is really all about time together for us. Going new places and experiancing new things together is the best part of life for us.



answers from Austin on

For us with twins we have so many cute moments where their needs were met and they were just happy and that makes me happy.(After bath, after a good meal, putting on toasty warmed pjs in the winter before bed, and playing with each other or by themselves with a favorite toy)
My kids saying now at almost three, I love you and big hugs is a big reward for me too.
Storytime where they sit in my lap and love talking and listening to the story is a warm fuzzy too. I think the more they do independently, dress themselves, put shoes on, climb up on climbers and stairs by themselves, drink out of an open cup the more satisfaction I receive knowing they are growing and learning from me everyday.
The cons are mostly nap time struggles after crib rails came down and my active one running away in big places,stores,large open spaces oh and the vomiting virus really reeks havoc at our house and I'm not good handling it.
But overall their smiles make me smile and their accomplishments and daily chatter make it all worth it.



answers from Houston on


No matter how good a child you have, he or she is not immune from this potential danger. I CAN NOT TELL YOU HOW MANY PARENTS I HAVE MET that have raised wonderful young men & women who have gone on to have serious drug problems yet the parent says "MY CHILD WOULD NEVER TOUCH DRUGS, HE'S A GOOD KID."

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