Mirena and PCOS

Updated on August 01, 2008
L.F. asks from Fort Worth, TX
4 answers

Good Morning Mamas,

I'm considering getting the Mirena put in, but after reading the materials last night I'm not too sure now. One of the side effects was that 12% of the women experienced ovarian cysts. With PCOS, I already have a problem with that and not too sure that I want anything in me that would up my chances of more problems with it. Any mamas out there with Mirena and PCOS that can weigh in and give me your experiences?


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answers from Dallas on

L. I have Mirena and I love it. I have had it for 3 years now with no problems. I always forget its there and you don't have to worry about it for 5 years. I barley have periods which is a GREAT thing! It does hurt a little when it gets put in but the best way to describe the feeling is it feels like bad period cramps. The only thing I could say I don't like about it is that my husband can feel it scraping him a little bit when we have sex but he said its not bad. There may be some people though that do not have that problem. All in all you might want to give it a try. All birth control pills and IUD's always have a risk of blood clots and other things but they are very low. Good luck on your decision!!



answers from Dallas on

I likewise have PCOS and have been advised by my Dr. that it would not be a good decision for me. There are significant other issues with Mirena that I would be cautious about. There are other forms of birth control that have fewer severe side effects that I would try instead. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I have PCOS and had the Mirena put in last April. I haven't experienced any ovarian cysts yet, but I'm not sure what Mirena claims is the timeframe. I will tell you that I, just two weeks ago, stopped spotting after the insertion of the Mirena. Now for those of us with PCOS, a period that lasts that long isn't necessarily unheard of, but just know that it's a definite possibility and one that your doctor will most likely warn you about.



answers from Dallas on

Hi L.. I can only give you my experience with the Mirena. I just had my 2nd one put in - going on 6 yrs. I also have a history with ovarian cysts and have had only 1 cyst with the Mirena, that only lasted 2-3 days. I no longer have periods either. The first 6-9 mos. I spotted more than I wanted but it was well worth it. I have had a very positive experience with the Mirena. Good luck finding what's right for you!

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