Loosing Skin

Updated on January 17, 2013
C.Z. asks from Manning, IA
9 answers

ooook we are all mostly moms. We all know that the baby stretch is amazing on unforgiving skin. Mine is bad. I need to loose weight. which is working! but the skin wont go with it. :(. any ideas on how to loose that as well?

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answers from Chicago on

Surgery is your only option...sorry to say it.

I had the same problem. I lost all the baby weight, and was left with what I called "meat curtains" ...literally hanging off of my abs.
Nothing will shrink it. No amount of weight loss, toning, diet or creams will take care of it.

Surgery is all you can do, if you truly want to get rid of it.

I had a full tummy tuck about a year ago, and it was 100% the best decision I've ever made. PM me if you have questions.
I would do it again in a heartbeat!

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Minneapolis on

i've always been told that losing weight slowly is the best bet to getting the skin to shrink up with the loss. Also, staying away from cigarette smoke and the sun will help your skin retain the highest possible amount of elastin.

Good luck!

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answers from Portland on

I always figured surgery is the only way to lose excess skin, but I've recently heard of two ways to help skin tighten up.

Wearing snug, supportive foundations day and night is said by at least some women to allow the skin to lose some of that stretch.
Supposed to work for breasts, belly, and thighs. I suspect that individual results would vary a great deal, but might be worth trying.

And colored light therapy also gives real results – I was given this info by a former nurse who had worked for a dermatologist. Red and yellow light treatments help produce collagen, which tightens skin. My acquaintance had only seen the results on faces, but found the improvement impressive, and she had heard of good results on other areas as well. It also helps correct sun damage to skin. Tummies? I haven't heard.

But one other option is to accept it. If the majority of women eventually get these natural indicators of a rich life removed, then those of us who don't have the resources to do so will seem less attractive in comparison. It can happen – it already has with many forms of "beautification." Honestly, your tummy got stretched out in the process of bringing (a) new human(s) into the world. Be proud!

I think women do these things out of shame as much as vanity. It takes some deep thougtht and attention, but it is possible to ditch most of that shame and love ourselves as we are. I notice that even though my figure hasn't been ideal since menopause, my dear husband seems to love me just as I am. I'm still working on it, but getting there.



answers from Davenport on

I have heard of dry skin brushing and toning exercises that stimulate the Lymph system in our bodies can definitely help here is their webpage:




answers from Rockford on

juicing. read it up.


answers from Hartford on

If you want to lose loose skin there aren't very many options. Surgery is really the honest answer. Girdles and Spanx are fine.



answers from New York on

Prevention is best. I look the same as I did before I had my son 4 years ago. The best way to get skin to go back is not to stretch it out to begin with. But since we can't go back in time, lose weight gradually as that will allow your skin to go back. If you have lost all your weight and still have the "meat curtains", then you need to get a tummy tuck to get rid of it.



answers from Savannah on

If you have had a baby recently, you might just need to let some more time pass, and your body might eventually shrink down a little. If your youngest is already a teenager, then I think you are our of luck unless you go for a surgery or other medical treatment. Good luck!


answers from Dallas on

If you got stretch marks when you were pregnant, the skin might never return to the way it was, the elasticity is lost forever. (stretch marks are made of scar tissue, which is not elastic). Toning exercise is the best way to get it to return as much as possible.

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