Looking for Indian Community

Updated on May 26, 2008
K.K. asks from Phoenix, AZ
5 answers

Hi,we are from India and planning to buy a home on N 83rd and Beardsley Rd(Peoria 85382). I was wondering if any Indian lives there as i am a housewife and spends time at home with my three yr old kid. I would love to make friends from other races but little afraid what people think about us Indians. Being with other Indian families will make me feel at home country. Please don't take it negatively. Buying a house is big decision that we dont want to regret later on. We liked the house very much and put it on hold but i was concerned about the neighbourhood. Is there anyway that i can figure out how are the people around. Any help? Thanks in advance!

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answers from Phoenix on

I'm not Indian but my favorite Indian restaurant is at Bell and 31st Avenue. I frequently see large groups of Indian people there. You could probably go anytime for lunch or dinner and ask the owners of the restaurant or the people eating there. It's called India Palace and their number is ###-###-####.

Also, there's a website for the Arizona Indian community:
They have lots of events on their calendar where you could probably meet other Indian people.

Because there are so many religions in India, it's probably inappropriate to assume you're Hindu, but in case you are, here's a link to the Hindu temple:

I know it's comforting to have friends from home, but I would also go out and do things you're interested in and you will probably meet some friendly Phoenicians.

As far as figuring out how the people are in a certain neighborhood, you can at least find out if there are sex offenders close by:
And you can see what crimes have occurred:



answers from Phoenix on


If there are not a lot of Indian families right in your neighborhood, I am certain that they would be close. Both my husband and I work with a number of Indian employees and contractors and have made some friends there. If it is fine with you, I will forward your message to a few, to see if they could comment.

Good luck and welcome!



answers from Phoenix on

Hello! Welcome! Oh how I wish I could help with what you requested. I live in Anthem and am not Indian. I just had to let you know though, how very, very much I love Indian people. Every one of them that I have met have been kind and friendly to my family and I. I used to teach ESL and learned quickly to appreciate and admire many other cultures. I have also studied other languages, such as French, Korean, and Spanish. I am trying to find a Hindi language course online, but have had a hard time finding a good one. I wish you well in your home search. I have 5 children and I know how important it is to be comfortable in your neighborhood. Good
luck! If you ever feel like having a friend online, please feel free to write.



answers from Phoenix on

Welcome to Arizona! My daughter's best friend is from India, as is her whole family. I think you will find our state to be very diverse and loving. I am not Indian, but I am like so many Americans, mixed with blood from just about each continent.
Feel free to contact me, I am a working mom but am always on the hunt for more friends. Did I mention I am an Arizona native? - I would be happy to point you in the direction of great places to visit and fun shopping.
Email me anytime.



answers from Phoenix on

as far as finding an indian community im not sure if there is, welcome to arizona i hope you like it here. im not far from peoria!

hope to chat with you sometime... take care

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