Looking for a Playgroup - Tempe,AZ

Updated on March 22, 2007
D. asks from Tempe, AZ
6 answers

Hi all, I am a mother of 2 under the age of 3 and we would love to meet other moms that live in our area. We live in North Tempe, South Scottsdale area (85281). If anyone would like to get together please contact me.

Since I got so many responses how about we all get together. Let me know what day would work best for you all and we can figure something out. On the 28 my son has surgery so we will be home bound for a week or so. That should get us some time to plan something.


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answers from Phoenix on

Well I live in Chandler but have a 2 yr old daughter and 3 1/2 yr old son. I am going to be a SAHM after next week till I start school in Aug. I am also looking for play dates seeing as my son and daughter are use to be around kids all day. I have been working for a year but with the cost of day care and them being sick so much we decided I should quit for now.

My name is A. and my intro tells a little about us!



answers from Phoenix on

I also have 2 kids near yours' age group, a 3yr and 11mo, both boys. I live in the mesa/gilbert area, you can message me if you'd like to try to meet at a park or something :-)

Also, check out meetup.com, they have all kinds of groups listed by type and area and I know they have moms groups in your area. I have joined 2 and so far its been good!


answers from Phoenix on

hi there i have an almost 10 month old son & also live in south scottsdale, my cross streets are hayden & indian school. i to am looking for play groups



answers from Phoenix on

Hi D., I have a 2 yr old daughter and we live in S. Scottsdale. We are looking for some friends to hang out with and do things with.



answers from Phoenix on

i'd be interested my little girls are 2 yrs and 9 mths. we live in mesa, cross streets are broadway and dobson



answers from Phoenix on


If you are a stay at home mom, you can join your local moms club. It is a fantastic way to keep busy and make some friends. I joined one a year and a half ago when I moved to AZ and it has been the best thing for my sons and I. We just love it! You can find your local chapter by going to www.momsclub.org - then look under chapters. You are allowed to go to two events to see if the club is right before joining and the yearly dues are usually $30 or less. Check it out, I highly recommend it.


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