IUD Info - Vancouver,WA

Updated on April 16, 2012
L.C. asks from Vancouver, WA
13 answers

We are about a month out from delivering our 3rd child. I am looking into birth control options and would appreciate some of your knowledge and experiental information on having an IUD placed. Copper (paragard) or low dose hormone (Mirena)? Did you experience side effects? Such as? Tell me about your experience of having it placed and removed. And please let me know if you've got a great resource for further info on them.

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answers from Corvallis on

I had a paragard several years ago. Went in easy without any problems. Initially periods were heavier with a bit more cramping but then they were back to normal. I did however get pregnant with the IUD. Even having had that experience I would use the IUD again without hesitation.

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answers from New York on

My son is almost 2. After he was born (about 12 weeks old) I had the Mirena IUD placed. There was very little pain during the procedure. I will say that I did feel very crampy all day. My doctor told me I might. However, by the next day, I didn't feel a thing and still don't! I got my period lightly a few times; not consistently. I now get more of a discharge occasionally (maybe every other month) for a few days. (sorry if TMI) I really like it though. No remembering to take a pill, it's effective and good for 5 years. (Not that I will have mine that long. We plan to start for a second baby next summer.) I highly recommend it.



answers from Portland on

I had a Mirena for 5 years, almost went to get another one and researched a little online. Turns out it was to blame for my severe lower back pain (SI Joint pain). I had it removed and I'm recovering quickly. Having it placed was painful for me, but having it removed was no problem. I didn't feel a thing. I think my back pain issue was fairly rare, since no one diagnosed it in 5 years and I went to many doctors. So, I would imagine you'd be fine. Just something to be aware of.



answers from Cincinnati on

After my third, I had the Mirena put in. It was horrible for me. I only had it in for 6 weeks and I bled the ENTIRE time- not spotting, heavy bleeding. I also had all the same side effects that the regular pill gives me- weight gain, acne, greasy hair, moodiness and total lack of sex drive. The once or twice we attempted to have sex while it was in, my husband could feel the string. I had it taken out. I cannot take anything with hormones, but my guess is that if you do okay on regular birth control pills, you should be fine on the Mirena. I had very little cramping when it was put in (only good part for me). I am due with number 4 in July and we are DONE, DONE and DONE, so I will be taking permanent measures this time around.



answers from Seattle on

I love my Mirena! I am in my fifth year now and will get it replaced at the end of this year. I got it inserted at my 8 week post partum check up. It was not painful, I maybe remember it being similar to getting a pap. I did have spotting for the first 6 months or so, but I was also nursing (it did not affect my ability to nurse) - so that may have been a factor.
I don't have side effects other than no longer having a period. The pill gave me pretty strong side effects (good and bad) from moodiness to lack of libido, hair loss, weight gain - but I have none of these on Mirena.
Unfortunately it also doesn't do squat for my naturally blemish prone skin... so my acne came back. The hormone level are just not high enough to help with that - but I can live with that.
All in all I am really happy with it.
Good luck!



answers from Madison on

Everyone is different. I had a horrible experience with the Mirena and will never ever have one of them put in again...I could feel it the whole time...it wasn't worth the fact that I never had a period....



answers from Houston on

I have heavily researched this topic for years.. I tried the mirena after our second child.. and though it sounds crazy and most women don't experience this, but you can find research about it online.. I felt emotionally sucicidal on the mirena. And another friend of mine felt that way after getting the mirena out. It's subtle. I had mine for three months and was so relieved to have it out. But the even the pill made me crazy. I hear the copper one is ok but some docs don't use it or don't like it. Both can preforate and cause major issues. And if you read the fine print, it's scary..



answers from Kansas City on

I have a Mirena. I did spot for about 2 months which was ANNOYING!!! I've had it 1 year now and it's fine. It did hurt going in--but I was expecting that. My doctor told me to take some Advil about 30 minutes before to help with the pain. I was able to drive home and felt fine that day. Some of my friends had cramping and quite a bit of pain on the first day.



answers from San Francisco on

From the responses you've gotten so far it really is an individual thing. Every body is different. My two cents is that I've had both. Had paragard right after my second. It was fine and I loved it for a while (I could not do the pill - the hormones messed with me and killed my sex drive). But I kept getting abnormal paps which my doctor said was unrelated, I was not convinced so hubby had a vasectomy. Fast forward 8 yearsand I just got the Mirena inserted 3 weeks ago because of my heavy painful periods. I have only had very light spotting and insertion was only uncomfortable, not too bad. So far the hormones have not messed with me. I'm hoping that after a few months I won't have periods anymore. That is huge for me!

Good luck with whatever you choose.



answers from Cleveland on

I had to have the copper (paragard) put in after my 6th... I suffered from multiple mini-strokes and bloodclots after her even with being on bloodthinners though my pregancy. So, it was recommened for me not to have any more kids, but a tubal was out due to all the issues after delivery.

I have had it in for a few months & really haven't had any issues with it. It hurt a little for the first few days, but that went away pretty quickly.My cycles are really no different then before it went in & I really can't tell it is there now.

I did have to go in for a follow-up appointment about a month after it was installed or after my next cycle - so that the string could be trimmed, but that wasn't a big deal.

When it is ready to come out in 10 years... they will deside if my body can handle a tubal or if another one should go in. Till then... well will see how it works - might just opt for another one instead of going under a knife.

Good luck making your choose & congratz on the little one on the way!



answers from Minneapolis on

I like my Mirena after having trouble with the Paragard. It was very painful to put in, but that might be at least in part because I have IBS. I did spot for a few months afterwards, but now I have almost no period. I'm in my 3rd or 4th year. Hormone methods of birth control made me very sick and gave me debilitating headaches, but I have no problems with the local hormones from the Mirena. I was looking into Essure, but my doctor at the time talked me into the Mirena. It's been good for me.



answers from St. Louis on

I had both and liked paragard better. I had issues with the mirena, it made me sick and I couldn't loss any weight just gained more. I loved the paragard, I didn't feel it at all and there were no hormones.



answers from Los Angeles on

I have had the copper IUD 4 years and no side affects or complications. I really don't respond well to synthetic hormones and end up feeling "pregnant" all the time! It's been great for me, my husband never feels it and I don't have any side affects. What my doctor told me is that some people have the right shape for it and some don't. Sometimes a doctor will place it anyway even though your not an "ideal" candidate. This can cause the cramping some people have. I will caution you as well that I had a friend on IUD and she signed up for Weight Watchers and lost about 80 pounds in a year. The IUD shifted and she got pregnant. She was fine and delivered right on time but had to go for a weekly ultrasound. This is pretty rare and she lost a LOT of weight. Just something to be aware of - if you lose/gain a lot quickly get it checked! And you should have it checked once a year at your annual exam for positioning. Mine has always been fine! Placing is simple and quick - no pain. You might spot for a day or two or have a cramp similar to ovulating. It's not painful. Then they check you a few times. I think at 6 weeks and three months?? That's it - after they check and it's good to go you just have it checked once a year. You can get it out anytime and it is just as simple. It takes two seconds. It is literally as simple as doing a pap smear. Hope this helps. In the end it really depends on your body but for me it was painless all around. Just know if you have side affects you don't like it is very simple to remove!

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