Having Constant Cramping, Stressed and Worried - Need Advice!!

Updated on March 19, 2011
H.H. asks from Wilkes Barre, PA
5 answers

I am having an issue and would appreciate any advice I can get. I have been having constant cramping
for about two, two and a half weeks. I had a light period that ended just a few days before the cramping started. I am not premenstrual. I am not expecting my period for another few weeks. These cramps will not go away, I've been getting constant headaches and my lower back has been incredibly sore. While being pregnant may be a possibility, I have taken two tests this week, which both came up negative. I have no idea what is going on but I'm starting to get worried that something is wrong with me. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant (with a third child) for a few months. I went online and searched on webmd, which only made me paranoid. The possible causes that came up were eptopic pregnancy, miscarriage and endometriosis, among others.. I don't know if it matters but both our children were both born by emergency c section and due to the scar tissue I have because of it, my doctor has said I may not be able to conceive again. This is part of why I'm worried. If there's a chance I could be pregnant, I'm worried there may be complications and is the reason why I'm cramping. Can anyone shed any kind of light on my situation?? I have decided to call my doctor in the morning and set up an appointment asap. I just want to avoid sounding stupid.. Any advice would be very much appreciated!

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answers from Pittsfield on

I am glad you are going to the doctor. I'm not sure what's wrong with you, and I have no medical background, but the idea that popped into my head is maybe it's adhesions from the prior 2 C-Sections.
Don't panic because there are probably a number of minor things it could be that we aren't even aware of. I can't even tell you the # of times I was sure I had something serious, and it turned out to be nothing serious at all.

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answers from Austin on

This all sounds very familiar! I would bet it's endometriosis! I always had terrible pain and super heavy periods from early on, clotting and lots of old blood. In my early 20's I started having a lot of cramping, concentrated on one side mostly, I would stand up and feel like I was being stabbed in my lower back and front. My ob at the time was kind of dismissive and put me on bc-which seemed to make it worse, until I got on the patch, which helped some, but not enough. I knew that had to be the problem, but I kept getting shooed away and told that since I wasn't trying to get pregnant, it really wasn't any issue.

Anyway, finally, long story short-at 27, I found an ob that took me seriously and said, let's confirm what's going on once and for all and see what you're dealing with in terms of conception and did laparoscopic surgery, confirmed endo. and removed scar tissue to help my chances of getting pregnant. She also told me that increased hormones from pregnancy and breastfeeding are some of the best fighters against endometriosis. I had no pain until probably 3-4 months ago and I have felt the symptoms creeping back in-makes sense, I am 2 years pp with my son.

Endo can be severe or mild, I think I fall somewhere in the middle, as I didn't have a hard time getting pregnant after surgery and haven't had to be medicated to deal with the symptoms. Keeping your weight and diet in check can really help control it, bc helps sometimes, and having laparoscopy to remove scar tissue can provide relief, though you can't just keep doing that. You don't sounds stupid at all and it could be something else entirely, but definitely discuss endo.

Best wishes to you!

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answers from Cleveland on

You can never sound stupid if you have a health concern. It could be nothing, but it could be all those things you already came across, better to find out early and get it taken care of, things such as an ectopic pregnancy can be life threatening if not caught. Good luck, I hope that it is nothing serious, but please just call the doctor and get checked out.

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answers from Philadelphia on

Definitely, go to the doc and get checked out because it could also be a cyst. I just had one removed and some of my symptoms were cramping, discharge and back pain. Good luck and I'll pray for your good health.



answers from Allentown on

I agree. Being concerned for your health is never ever stupid. If you're experiencing symptoms, especially new and out of the ordinary for you, always get them checked out. It's better to get answers now than to live in fear, doubt and worry. If your doctor does not take your concerns seriously, get a second opinion. You should not have to live in pain. Good luck to you - I hope you'll let us know how it turns out.

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