Gifts for Various Adults

Updated on December 12, 2011
X.O. asks from Naperville, IL
8 answers

I need some help choosing gifts for some of my husband's aunts/uncles/cousins/ our son's Godparents...

Uncle F - Single, in his early 60s, owns his own home, steady job, kinda an anti-social personality, but I don't want to slight him (he's never gotten anything for us, other than some $2 Walgreen's chocolates)

Distant cousins - Couple in their late 50s with 3 sons in their late 20s-- they immigrated from Iraq 2 yrs ago & I dont know them very well, but they will be at the Christmas Day party, and they'd be the only ones we didn't give to if we don't get something for them.

My son's Godparents - husband is an executive of a major technology firm, the wife is a physician -- both are EXTREMELY humble and not at all ostentatious

Cousin (and my husband's best man) - in his final year of law school -- will just get him a gift card, but not sure where to --- he's in his late 20s

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answers from Cleveland on

Kind of random but for those on the list with a good sense of humor, look at My husband and I find the posters etc hysterical. They have gift ideas like mugs. I know - no one needs another mug but there are other things and like I said, we think the posters (spoofs of motivational ones) are so funny. So it's something different.

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answers from San Antonio on

Make donations in their names to charities. We do it all the time for adults that are hard to buy for. Then in a card (if the organization doesn't sell cards - places like Children's Hospitals or UNICEF do) we put a note that says a donation has been made in their name to _____, as a way to help spread holiday cheer. Our family members have always commented on how much they appreciate the gift and that it wasn't something they didn't need, but actually something that helps others.

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answers from Dallas on

Uncle F - a $10 throw blanket, a book for the back of the commode, handheld poker game, or a box of chocolates (people usually give the kind of gift they would like to get)

Distnat Cousins - Movie tickets for a family outing.

Godparents - for Godparents, I usually go with something sentimental, either religious or about the child. You can find good stuff at the religious bookstore that says Godparent on it.

Cousin - Starbucks - he is going to need a lot of coffee to get through this last year!

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answers from Colorado Springs on

If gift cards would be appropriate, think about Starbucks, Amazon, a local bookstore - businesses that might offer something the person would enjoy without your knowing too much about his/her personal tastes. Get a festive little holder for each card; I'm seeing those for sale all over town here.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Is there ANYONE that doesn't like a gift card to a bookstore? :) I couldn't name O. person who doesn't like getting O.. Would that work for everyone?

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answers from Washington DC on

Uncle 5 - bottle of wine or liquor
cousins - gift card
godparents - Gift certificate to the theatre
cousin - movie ticket gift card

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answers from Austin on

Uncle ~ Maybe a basket with coffee stuff and a bottle of Baileys

Distant Cousins ~ Maybe a nice CD of Holiday music or a bottle of Proseco they can drink for New Years eve. Or a personalized welcome mat for their home.

Sons Godparents ~ I love the things that can be personalized at
www. The entertainment section.. is awesome.

Cousin~ Gift card to a nice place to eat or to the movies..

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answers from Chicago on

I think for all of them I would do some baking / candy making ahead of time and do some assortment plates. or some popcorn / movie night baskets. those are my go to gift for the holidays. get a big plastic bowl at a dollar store (they usually have the ones that look like movie theater buckets) in it put a box of microwave popcorn some big boxes of movie candy a couple cans of pop and a gift card to blockbuster. then they can pick a movie and have a night in. throw in a deck of cards and they have new years eve covered lol.

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