Dr. Neelam Narula (Lake in the Hills)

Updated on July 03, 2006
S.T. asks from Lake in the Hills, IL
4 answers

I'm in the midst of choosing a new Pediatrician as we've switched health plans. Anyone have any opinions on this doctor or know anyone that might? Thanks!

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answers from Chicago on

I used to see this doctor for myself, I am 23 now, but when I was 18-20, and I disliked her very much! I used to see a differetn doctor at the practice, but this doctor joined when mine left. I was very unhappy with her patient manner, as she wasn't very nice, she was arrogant - thought she knew the answer to all my problems, but didn't. She prescribed me to have some very expenseive tests done I didn't need, when all she had to do was refer me to a different doctor that found my problem right away. Try to find someone wlse in your plan is my suggestion!



answers from Chicago on

I'm a little late with a response here but I just joined Mamasource. If you have not already found a pediatrician, Dr. George Gancayco is WONDERFUL! He is with Caring Family in Crystal Lake ###-###-####. He is great with the children and parents. He never rushes you out the door; he makes sure all of your questions and concerns are answered. Very importantly, he talks with you not at you. You can call him and set up a time to just go in and meet him (no charge) prior to scheduling an office visit.



answers from Chicago on

Hi Erin, AGAIN,

Dr. Joanna Betancourt is very good as a pediatrician. Again, I had to switch doctors for the kids because we moved from the city. I like her, but she is actually pregnant herself and is very close to delivering. You would probably meet her in about a month or so. She is located at 600 Randall Road (just south of 62/Algonquin).



answers from Chicago on

WE took my son to this doctor when he was first born. She was very nice, but I found her not very knowledgable about breastfeeding. She instructed me to pump and give him formula when he was sick which made everything even more difficult. I have also had problems with her office staff not being very understanding about sick children and being a new Mom. Other than that she was very nice and seemed to be a good doctor, but I wanted someone who was going to be supportive of breastfeeding...it is hard enough by itself without adding a not incredibly supportive doctor to the mix.

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