Daughter Arching/Stretching

Updated on July 18, 2008
S.A. asks from Broomfield, CO
23 answers

Hi, My 3.5 month old very often looks like she is arching or stretching. The Drs. are treating her for acid reflux and evaluating her for cerebral palsy because of the arching and because she had a poor suck for the first month of her life. She doesn't really have the other classic symptoms of reflux. She was not premature and weighed 6 lbs 7 oz at birth. I am very anxious about the possibility of cerebral palsy so wondering if anyone has a child that ever appeared to arch or stretch a lot (for instance she sleeps with her arms above her head). If she is in her swing and wants a pacifer or something she sorta arches/turns or head to the side to try and get it, or get attention. She holds her head up well when on her stomach. Let me know if you have experienced any of this and thoughts on what it could mean (hopefully besides CP). Thanks.

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answers from Denver on

my son was also like that. He did have reflux, meds didnt work for him, he was born on time and was 7lbs 7oz. He is now 4 years old and very healthy, although his eating has a lot to be desired....:0)



answers from Denver on

I am going through the same thing with my son, but none of his doctors have ever brought up CP. That is something I will start to look into. Maybe the medicine he is on isn't strong enough for the acid reflux. What formula is he on? I had the change the one I was giving my son because it was just too thin.

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answers from Denver on

I have to say I don't know about cerebral palsy, but my daughter slept with her arms above her head until...well, I guess she still does sometimes, and she's 2.5 now! My 5-month old son has reflux, but doesn't arch a whole lot--he will reach his arms up over his head sometimes, and will turn to look at things that catch his eye or that he wants to get. Again, I don't know anything about cerebral palsy, but I think some of these things are normal baby behavior. I started to type, "Try not to worry too much until you know what's going on for sure" but that is silly--as moms, we worry because we care so much! I guess instead I will say that I will be thinking of you and hope for the best for you and your daughter. Take it as it comes, and let us know if you need us!



answers from Salt Lake City on

Does she cry around the same time every night? It could be colic. My 2 girls both did that and it turned out to be colic. CP was NEVER an issue.



answers from Denver on


My nearly 7 month old son sleeps with his arms above his head, arches his back, and turns to the side as you described.

He is perfectly healthy and has no problems.

IN FACT ~ someone told me a baby who sleeps with the arms above the head means that the baby is very comfortable, content, and well-cared for (could be an old wives tale, but made me smile!).

Easier said than done, but try not to panic too much :) Good luck!



answers from Denver on

My daughter did the exact same thing and she does not have cerebral palsy. She did have acid reflux as well, and has finally grown out of that. My daughter was only 5lbs when she was born and it took awhile to get her to suck really well too. I'm actually pretty shocked that a doc might suggest that your daughter has CP. I think that's a pretty bold statement to make when I know that arching their back is pretty common at that age. I used to work in a Pediatrician's office and this was very common. They grow out of it eventually. Good luck. I really hope your daughter doesn't have CP.



answers from Pueblo on

My hubby's aunt is an Occupational Therapist for Colorado Bluesky Enterprises in Pueblo. They work with people with developmental disabilities. She works in the infant/toddler program with babies like yours - ask your doctor about having your dd evaluated at a place like that. Here is their website. Maybe they can tell you where to go where you live.
Hope you are worrying for nothing!




answers from Boise on

Hey! You know what? Her back may be out. I would call and get her in to see a chiropractor. I have a friend who's baby did that, arching and stretching, and she took him into a massage therapist, and sure enough, his back was out. The massage therapist massaged his little back and put it back in and he has been fine ever since. He is now 5yrs old. I hope everything turns out ok with you daughter. It sure is scary not knowing whats wrong with little people. Good luck!!



answers from Boise on

Hmmm, didn't know the arching/stretching was cause for concern. My son is 6 months and does the same thing all the time. When I put him in his car seat, he arches his little back up so that I have to push him back down to get him buckled. If he's on the floor, he will arch his back to roll over. He also holds his head up really well when on his stomach, and will turn his head towards something and nuzzle things with his face - whether it's my shirt or a blanket or whatever. He sometimes sleeps with his arms above his head and stretches all the time. Doesn't seem like there's anything wrong at all, just one of his little quirks. I guess I'll mention it to the doctor now just to see, but I betcha there's nothing wrong with your daughter - may be just a baby thing.



answers from Denver on

My son is now 9 1/2 months old, and he had many of the same symptoms. He used to stretch like crazy when he was younger, even in the womb :) and he also slept with his arms above his head sometimes. He was diagnosed with reflux at one week old just based on the frequency of spit-ups that he had. An upper GI x-ray later confirmed severe reflux, and he's been on Prevacid ever since. He also started arching his back a lot, especially while eating, and his doctor also thought that this could be because of the reflux. He doesn't do that anymore, nor does he stretch like he used to. He has always had trouble gaining weight even though he weighed 7 lbs. 3 oz. when born, was not premature, and eats just fine. He is a happy and healthy baby. I hope that everything works out fine for you and your little one, and it sounds like you have a good pediatrician who is willing to take a look at different possible diagnoses.



answers from Salt Lake City on

my niece actually stretched a lot when she was very young. She's only a year old now and doesn't stretch quite so much, but we always thought it unusual that she would sleep or just lie there with her arms over her head or behind her head. We have so many pictures of her like this. She's perfectly healthy, no signs of CP.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Hi S.,
I don't have any experience with CP but I can tell you that myself and my two daughters have always slept with our arms above our head. Almost all of the pictures I have of them sleeping as infants is this way. And we all still do it occasionally...at 9, 12 and 38!!!
Good luck to you,



answers from Salt Lake City on

my son does that but is fine. my mother in law whose a nurse told me that it was normal and nothing to worry about



answers from Casper on

Sometimes with reflux it just comes up into the esophagus so you never see it. But she also may just enjoy the feeling. I wouldn't worry about her stretching that way to get a pacifier, it sounds very habitual. Best of luck and I hope she's okay.



answers from Cheyenne on

My daughter did that as a baby. From day one! And my mother-in-law said my husband did that too. In face she freaked out when he was a baby once because he ad arched so far that nothing but his nose was sticking out from under the blanket and she couldn't see him and thought he had been kidnapped.

My son does it a bit, but not as bad as his big sister did. But when he sits in the little bouncy chair thing, he will arch his back to look at me if I am behind him. I think it's pretty normal, but still, it's best to get it checked out and ease your mind.



answers from Boise on

I have two sons (8 and 5) and a daughter (3) All of them did that!Pretty much it was a joke in our family that they were related to my in-laws, because EVERY one on their side of the family sleeps with their arms over their heads! To this day, I can tell if my husband is soundly asleep because his arms go up:) My little girl was only 6lbs. 2 oz. when she was born and she had mild reflux for a while, but she is completely normal now. If you are a worrier and need the tests to have peace then I would have them run - otherwise, I would say to take a little time and I bet everything will be fine. Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

My daughter did the same thing all the time, at first I worried but then I realized that it was her way of asking me to pick her up, or she was trying to get something. Now that she is 7 months and able to control her movements better she only does it on rare occasions. Some babies just do silly things. I hope things are ok for your little one.



answers from Provo on

I have two boys (2 1/2 & 5 mos) and they both did that and still do. I never even mentioned it to the doctor cause it didn't concern me, (maybe I should have?) I think they just like to stretch like that and sleep like that. It can make breastfeeding a challenge though. but now they are just two very active happy healthy boys developing very nomally for thier ages. Hopefully its the same thing for your daughter too and not something more serious. As she's getting older just keep an eye out for other signs like if she is delayed in achieving the motor milestones for her age, or if she (over 6 months) reaches out with only one hand while keeping the other fisted, crawls lopsided pushing off with one side and dragging the other (over 10 months), things like that aside from just the arching. Until she shows some of those other signs, then you probably dont need to worry.
Good luck with everything and I wish you the best!



answers from Providence on

My son is 7 1/2 months old and has already been a bit stretcher/archer. Even in his 10 wks ultrasound he was arching his back really far in there. lol I never knew it was an issue to be worried about. We did think he had reflux when he was about 3 months, and he was on medicine for a while, but that just made everything worse. I don't think he ever had reflux. His arching seemed to be one of the classic symptoms of reflux, but now I just think he would throw himself back/arch when he was angry or frustrated. I think it's just him and he's always been a huge stretcher. He stretches forever in the mornings and after his naps. I always have to be on-guard when I'm holding him because he'll throw himself back just for fun or to stretch. I hope things go well and that it's a normal thing your daughter is doing, but it sounds exactly like my son and nothing is wrong.



answers from Denver on

Hi S. -
my 3.1/2 daughter has similar symptoms without the reflux- i was not concerned about it untill i read your message . please let me know the outcome of her eval. I hope and pray it is all normal. my thoughts are with you..



answers from Denver on

All the time! Mine 2 week old would stretch & stand, legs locked.
By three months, she'd fart while stretching, and make goofy cooing and yawning sounds. She would stretch after waking, when I'd lay her down after nursing or holding her, when she'd roll over, when she wanted to see something that required arching her back to look the opposite direction.

By 4 months she would arch her back when she DIDN'T want to be put down.

She is 9 months old now, prefers to stretch when I lay her down for the evening, prefers to sleep with her hands above her head and feet out like a jumping jack paused in motion.

Sounds to me like reflux might be helped by simply placing her on an incline pad in her crib or whatever sleeping device you use. Burp her even if she doesn't want to, as mine didn't, but then again I exclusively breast feed her and she has never been much of a burper.

I would be less inclined to worry and more to just enjoy her wiggles and movements, but then again, my daughter was born at home and doctors have never exactly been what I'd call involved.

I think what you're describing means you have a wonderful and healthy baby girl.



answers from Salt Lake City on

2 out of 5 of my kids arched all the time as babies. They liked to stretch a lot I think as they are totally normal now. My son was stretching with his arms over his head for his baby blessing at church and at the end when my husband held him up, he still had his 2 arms up like Rocky. He is over 2 and does it when he wakes up several times for a few minutes. I hope everything is okay with your little one, I bet it is.
Another thing, I thought my child had reflux as she spit up all the time but we figured out I was just overfeeding (nursing) her. She loved to nurse and would do so until I took her off. So, even the reflux thing could be something simple your baby grows out of.



answers from Billings on

Both my kids slept with their arms up when they were infants, and I seem to remember them arching some. I was worried that my daughter would have CP because she had such bad jaundice (she was admitted to the hospital and stayed there 2 days when she was 2 days old). She turned out fine. The thing I heard you should look for is weakness on one side of the body, or in an extremity. Does she seem even? I don't know much about CP, so I can't really help, but I hope that your daughter is okay.

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