Am I Normal??? - Milford,OH

Updated on May 30, 2011
J.O. asks from Milford, OH
14 answers

So my 14 month old son busted his eyebrow open at the babysitter and it was pretty bad black eye (NOT STITCHES THANK GOD) but butterfly and still scabby. This was his first big injury I was not mad at all it was a total accident and could have happend just as easily with me. But now I am so scrared [for] I have these crazy thoughts and I am just right over top of him all the time now. After our dog (who was like our daugher) got hit by a car last month I was the same that could so easily happen with him. Is this normal or am I crazy. Thank you in advance for the advice!


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answers from Cleveland on

my daughter tripped and hit her head on the stairs and needed stitches, this was a couple of years ago, and I still cringe when they run past there to get their shoes. And we also have a strict no shoes anywhere near the steps policy because of it. So I'd say you are pretty normal.

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answers from Bloomington on

Totally normal! It's that mothering instinct kicking in. It is our job to protect them and worry about thei safety!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I would say that if you were not concerned you would not be a Mom. Remember,as you stated accidents happen. Remember, this will not be the last time he will substain any injuries. BTW sorry about the dog. Still seems you are still shook up by that. Been through some traumatizing experiences. You are normal,no worries.

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answers from Los Angeles on

your normal! your son got hurt outside of your care and control. but you realize that it was an accident and you know it could have happened anywhere. it will just take time to move past it.

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answers from Sacramento on

I think it's really normal. My son, at almost 6, got his first set of stitches a couple weeks ago... he's had his share of bumps and bruises, but hasn't had anything too terrible happen until recently. Even so, I have had nightmares about something terrible happening to him since he was about 2 years old. He's an active, strong, persistent, learn- the-hard-way kind of kid and took a while to develop fear of anything.

I didn't let it influence how I parented him too much though. I was careful to make sure I could always sprint to him before he reached the street when he would run off chasing crows, and didn't let him get in places on the big playground where I couldn't get to him quickly or get him down if I needed to. I've let him tear down grass hills on his bike even though it almost makes my heart stop. We do have rules about certain things though... like if he wants to climb a tree he has to be able to get up there himself or he isn't big enough to do it yet; and if he can get up there he can get down (I am still spotting him in case of a fall).

I guess it comes down to knowing your kid and knowing what they are able to do, and trusting that because of that they'll almost always be ok. You have to let them do and try and explore or you wind up with a child that is too afraid to try anything.

Take a breath Momma~ You're normal :)

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answers from Saginaw on

yep its 11 month old is the youngest of 5 and the other day he pulled himself up on our dining room chairs, tried to grab the top of it and before I could get to him it toppled down on him! he has a green bruise on his forehead and now I cant let him into the dining room without being right on top of him! which sucks cause we have a dining room/living room combo and he has to crawl through the dining room to get to the playroom! just try to relax and know that things happen and if you are on top of him all the time he is gonna be scared to try!

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answers from Cincinnati on

Lets see. I guess I'm not normal. My son fell into the corner of the table and hit his eye right before his dr. appt. It swelled but was fine. He fell into the wall vent at the sitters and got a black eye and egg on his forehead but no stitches. At moms he fell and hit her railing and caught a sharp corner and needed stitches. A year later he fell at the park and broke his arm. He ended up getting a pin put in his arm.
Kids get hurt. Things like that happen. Just don't be too over protective.


answers from Detroit on

it's normal to worry like that. and i think as long as you have children you will worry especially after something major happens. glad you were level headed enough to realize that what happened daycare could have happened to you and you didn't blow your top. some people fail to realize that sometimes! don't worry~it's ok to worry! :)



answers from Youngstown on

The first one is always the hardest. You freak out over everything becoming this nervous wreck..hovering. Then eventually you just mellow out and realize you can't prevent everything. Once the secound one(if you choose to have one) comes you are a pro and nothing fazes you for long. You still get nervous but not to the point of losing sleep. I have 3 boys and a bump on the head or stitches is just another day for I don't believe you are crazy,I was the same way with my oldest..maybe worse you are just a loving caring mother.



answers from Phoenix on

I think it's normal to worry, however, all kids are accident prone, and even moreso at that age. My DD is very rough & still is constantly getting hurt, but I would never become that overprotective mom who won't let her kid do anything for fear of injury. It's a part of childhood that you can't escape from. You do your best to protect them, but at the end of the day, accidents can & wil happen. It's all part of the process of kids learning, & discovering. You can't stop living life or wrap them up in bubble wrap.



answers from New York on

Worrying is part of parenthood. Toddlers are a hard age--they are on the move but their balance is iffy and they are too young to have much judgement. My youngest is 2 and I worry too around busy streets (we live on a moderately busy one). I have a toddler harness with a leash that I used quite a bit when the kids were between 1 and 2. My son needed it more (he was an early walker) but some situations a toddler needs to be contained one way or another. My daughter is 2.5 and is usually good at following directions but once in a while there are too many possible dangers and it is the leash or the stroller.



answers from San Francisco on

As a mom, you will alway worry---worry from the minute you find out you are pregnant till, well F.! All I can do when I start to worry is turn it over to God and pray about it. You are normal though--- Hope your little guy feels better soon!




answers from Grand Rapids on

My oldest son fell against my mom's brick hearth and cut his forehead to the bone when he was 13 months old. 7 years later and my pulse still races whenever a child goes near that stupid hearth.



answers from Sacramento on

You are normal and loving
Welcome to mommy-hood.
You watch our kid like a hawk and worry.
You always err on the side of caution.
And that's our job.
Investigate when you need to, relax and "let your child" be when you need to. It is a fine balance that is hard to find but you will do a good job.
After all the worry.....take your relaxation when you can.

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