Spitting Up: Toddler, Sam's Club

Results 1-10 from 86 articles

Sam's Club Formula

A.M. asks from Cincinnati

I have an 11 week old formula fed baby.(I was not able to breastfed as I never got milk in after three weeks) She currently uses Similac Advance with Iron and it seem...


Best Bottle to Help with Spit up and Gas

D.O. asks from Minneapolis

Wondering if anyone has experience and/or suggestions about which brand of bottle would help with spit up and gas problems. We currently use Avent bottles. I don't th...


Spitting up and Soy?

S.S. asks from Davenport

My son is seven weeks now and he is on nestle good start soy formula and medicine for acid reflex.He spits up alot. We use browns bottles already and they really help...


12 Month Old Allergic to Milk?

L.H. asks from Albuquerque

Hello moms! My 12 month old recently made the switch to organic whole milk. He has been having a major problem with constipation and then diarrhea. Then, after his ...


4 Month Old Constipation

R.B. asks from Dallas

Hello Ladies, My now 4-month old has had a problem with constipation since about 2 months. The pediatrician's basic suggestion is give her juice- which we do, but s...


2-Month Old Has Bad Bms

R.G. asks from Houston

I need some advice please. My 2-month old did fine in the hospital and coming home from the hospital. She started off with Similac Advance and did great. Then when we...


Enfamil Vs. Members Mark Vs. Target Brand...

M.I. asks from Orlando

I really would like to save money on formula. I'm currently using Enfamil, which is costing $100 a month. I've just ordered a free sample of Member's Mark formula -...


Undecided on Formula Brand

D.I. asks from Jacksonville

I have a 13 week old and have notice a problem with his formula. I breastfeed but also supplement at times. Maybe 2-3 bottles a day if we are out somewhere. Recent...


Enfamil Vs. Member's Mark...Any Advice?!?!?!

T.M. asks from Dallas

Hi Mamas! I have a 5 week old little boy who eats like there's no tomorrow. I was unable to breastfeed so he's currently taking Enfamily Lipil. My first son also t...


Natural Remedies for A/R ? Several Questions I Have...

D.S. asks from San Francisco

** What is a natural remedy for A/R that is safe for an infant? ** 1. What is the difference between projectile vs. regular spitting up? ** I ask this because I w...