Milk Storage: Toddler, Saline Drops

Results 1-10 from 61 articles

Breast Milk in the Ear: Myth or Cure?

L.P. asks from Washington DC

My 10 month old daughter has a persistent ear infection. She's had it for four weeks and is just now starting a third different oral antibiotic. She's also had two ...


In and Out of the Hospital with 13 Month Old

S.L. asks from Minneapolis

I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going batt...


7Wk Old with Cold

C.M. asks from Madison

My 7wk old boy has his first cold and is vary stuffed up. I have a humidifier and saline drops for his nose. Any other advice on how to releive his stuffyness would b...


3.5 Month .do I Have to Feed Her Rice Cereal and She Is Having Troubles with Gas

M.M. asks from Jamestown

My 3.5 month old girl began life with colic which lasted about 3 months. The last three weeks have been bliss not having to deal with the intense screaming. She is ...


Three Month Old with Cold

C.R. asks from Detroit

My three month old daughter has a "fever" of 100.0, is congested, and seems more tired than lately. [Her older sister started shcool last week and caught a cold.] H...


2 Month Old Ill

L.R. asks from Pocatello

My family has had a terrible cold now for about 1 1/2 weeks. My 2 month old started with a fever of 100, 4 days ago. I took him into the ped and all physically look...


Looking for Good at Home Remedies or Advice for a Sick 21 Month Old

L.G. asks from Washington DC

Hi ladies, I thought I would ask you great moms to see if anyone has any good remedies that worked for you. I have a daughter who just turned 21 months over the Chri...


5 1/2 Month with Cold

N.F. asks from Seattle

My 5 1/2 month old has not had any health issues til now. With the drastic change in weather, I'm calling it a cold and not allergies. This has been going on for abou...


7 Month Old with a Cold

M.M. asks from Dallas

My 7.5 month old baby girl has a bad cold. I know that I don't want to use any cold medications for her, but my doctor's nurse said that it is ok to use pediasure va...


Common Cold Remedies?

S.W. asks from Minneapolis

Hello Everyone, I'm sure this is a common question but I wanted to ask. My 6 1/2 mo old son has the common cold. I'm still breastfeeding and after he eats he has to ...