Home Schooling: Albuterol

Results 1-10 from 19 articles

ADHD And Albuteral ?

B. asks from Augusta

My daughter ,9 , ADHD , gifted, also has asthma. Seasonal allergies trigger it in her. Well for the past 2 days she's had to have an albuterol nebulizer treatment be...


Asthma or Not?

J.G. asks from New York

Sorry, this is going to be long ....My 3 1/2 year old daughter has had respiratory problems since she was 1. Everytime she gets sick, it goes right to her chest. Be...


Any Other Options You Have Tried for a Toddler's Very Severe Asthma?

A.K. asks from Norfolk

I am writing this in hopes to have any and all suggestions and personal experiences sent my way! My little guy who is now 3 years old has been battling asthma/allerg...


Poll for Allergy Mommas - What Is Your First Line of Defense?

L.C. asks from Los Angeles

I am so sad whenever I hear about a child dying of anaphylaxis after eating something they were allergic to. But I'm very curious. Every time I read an article abou...


Son Became Aggressive at New School

D.M. asks from New York

I recently switched my two children from a public school to a charter school. To make a long story short, my daughter loves the school and doesn't want to go back. M...


Am I Crazy to Even Think of Leaving of Leaving My Company?

S.S. asks from San Francisco

So moms, I have a dilemma and just need insight. I know this will probably elicit all sorts of responses, but I'm wondering a few things....first, a little backgroun...


Treatment for Allergies and Mild Asthma

T.L. asks from Rochester

Hello Everyone. I really need some advice on what to do for my 6 year old son. First a little background: he was born with severe acid reflux and was on Zantac syru...


Use of Nasonex & Singulair in an 1-Year-old

J.B. asks from Dallas

My little boy will be one next month. He has been on a variety of medicines throughout his life, primarily for GERD. We saw an allergist last week to get him teste...


10 m.o. Grey Stains on Teeth

T.P. asks from Houston

I am unsure if i have damaged my 10 month old sons' teeth. I allow him to fall asleep with a bottle of milk, yet i take it out before he falls into a deep sleep. Been...


Bed Time Woes

R. asks from San Antonio

I am having a hard time juggling my kiddos at bed time. My children are 6, 4 and 2. We currently have a bedtime ritual, but it seems like I am always getting frustrat...