Your Opinions on Your Honda Oydessy

Updated on May 09, 2007
B.J. asks from Dayton, OH
8 answers

We're looking at buying an Oydessy...2002-2004...
What 'extras' did you like/hate about yours?
Power doors worth it? Luggage rack important?

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So What Happened?

First, Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to me to since we got our Honda Oydssey! :)
Its an 04, Leather, DVD, EX model and I love it!
Got a good deal I feel extra good about it :)
Thanks for all of your inputs--they made me feel great about our choice/decision! :)

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answers from Dayton on

I bought my 2000 new and still have it, I love it expect for my kids getting it messy inside. I love my power doors! I would love to have leather seats but they did not come out at the time, they are easier to clean.

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answers from St. Louis on

We bought a van last year and were initially wanting to get the honda. After research and comparison we found that we liked the Toyota Sienna so much more. At consumer reports online the sienna ranked highest of all mini vans for safety...which is very important for moms! :) My sienna has power doors and I find they come in quite handy when your arms are full! If you haven't looked at the Sienna yet, give it a test drive before you buy the honda. We are very happy with it!



answers from Cincinnati on

Our Honda minivan is a 2007, so I don't know how much of a difference year makes in terms of extras. Here's my opinion:

* power doors
* shades that are integrated into the windows/doors (you can pull them up, stow them down, all integrated into the door)
* rubber floor mats
* moon roof

* subwoofer, completely overpriced, goes pretty unused, and I'm not a professional musician nor someone who needs to have deafening bass available

* leather seats - nice in terms of clean up, but I would have been happy with upholstered seats (it's just that the package we wanted didn't give us the option of anything else besides leather)

DIDN'T BUY (too expensive, or not something we'd want/use)
* nav system
* DVD player
* iPOD docking thingie

And totally preferred the Honda to the Chrysler or Toyota minivans. Glad we got a Honda, we really love it (and I never, ever wanted a minivan)!



answers from Cincinnati on

A few years ago we bought a 2000 Oddysey. We love it and one day when it bites the dust - we will be getting another. I personally am not a fan of the power doors, you have to wait for them to open, and they beep at you when they are locked. I can't say how the newer model doors work. I have to say whenever someone wants to buy a van I always reccomend!
Good luck whatever you decide for your family. : )



answers from Dayton on

I have a 2006 Odyssey and I love it! I have had 2 vans prior to this (Ford Freestar and Ford Windstar) There is no comparison. I will say that you get a Ford Van completely loaded for the price that you pay for a mid-line Odyssey. I have the Odyssey that is right under the touring; which is there top of the line van. I do have the power sliding doors and they definately are handy especially when your hands are full with the babies, groceries, etc. I would definately recommend the Odyssey.



answers from Cleveland on

In January we bought a 2003 honda Oydessy. I LOVE IT!!!
It rides so smoothly and is SOOOOOOOOO commfy WELL worth the money.
WE bought it used, so of course we went with what it has. Power doors on both sides, WELL WORTH IT!
It came with a DVD player, The kids love it, i think it so nice, we had a portable one we took with us. Now this is built in, VERY nice. We take trips, even just small ones, and the kids are entertained.
It has Leather heated seats, very nice, but it wouldn't make or break a deal.
WE don't have a luggage rack, had one on our last van, never used it. Thats just us.

Good luck, hope you get something you like.



answers from Cincinnati on

We just bought a 2007 Odyssey a couple of months ago and I love it!! I don't know how the older models compare but I see them all over the road so I guess that says something about them! They are a little pricey but worth it because I am sure we will hang onto it for awhile. If you go to they will list options for the different models and you can get an idea of what is available. We got the model just under the Touring model which is their top of the line one. The only thing ours dosen't have is the navigation system.



answers from Columbus on

I don't own an Odyssey but my parents do. The power doors are amazing!! I want those on our next car. The luggage, not so important at least not for us.

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