What First World Problem Are You Having Today?

Updated on April 19, 2013
L.L. asks from Austin, MN
35 answers

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but this might actual feel good for a lot of us. ;)

Despite all the overwhelming problems in life, I have little ones, too, as we all do...and they are valid.

I drank too much coffee, it tasted like cinnamon (yuck) because my husband tainted the pot, my fried chicken didn't turn out at lunch, and I can't find my TUMS. Seriously.

Oh, and my Dr. sent my Vit D to the wrong pharmacy. I am boycotting said pharmacy. Do I go pick it up anyhow? Stand on principle and forgo my vitamins?

So, what are you dealing with today? And be assured, no matter how small, you have much love and compassion!!

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So What Happened?

Jessica...no, I didn't intend it that way. ;) I, personally, hate seeing the phrase "first world problem" and I think ALL problems (well...okay...MOST)...are valid, sensitive, and important to the people that have them. That's where this came from, essentially.

Thanks, mamas, for sharing. You've made my day better, and you'll all be happy to know that my heartburn went away...but the beautiful dinner my husband made was unfortunately way too salt laden and now I feel sick. But this honestly was very encouraging, at least for me, to know that we all have these "minor" problems and we're all...more or less...human. ;)

Featured Answers


answers from St. Louis on

Well I got home from work and I needed a beer. Now Troy brews so we have five five gallon kegs of beer in the basement and about 100 different bottled specialty beers.

Picking out what to drink after work is really! hard!!

But I soldier on, I am a trooper like that. :)

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answers from Houston on


My problem is that Mamapedia doesn't let us filter whose responses we see. There are just some people I would be ok with not reading their responses. Sigh.

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answers from Hartford on

I guess my "first world problem" is that I think the term "first world problem" is really insulting and downplays some very serious issues as being invalid and it sounds very holier than thou.

But I realize that you didn't intend it that way. ;-) Good thing I like you. :-p

My ACTUAL problems are that my autistic child is throwing up today, and due to her sensory processing disorder she can't tell the difference between "I'm sick" and "I'm hungry." It's made for an exhausting, traumatic, disgusting day for her.

The "first world" part of the problem? It had to happen on my 15th wedding anniversary.

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answers from Philadelphia on

i cant eat all the chocolate I want and lose wieght at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!

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answers from Amarillo on

I have the most annoying coworker with an equally annoying laugh and I cant quit cuz im a single mom! Thanks for asking....

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answers from Chicago on

Well, today hasn't been so bad- other then the robo call from my kid's school called at 5:30AM to say school was open today. Yeah, thanks. And then my basement had some water so I had to wet vac it up. But otherwise not too bad. It was yesterday that was the first world problem marathon. First my alarm on my phone didn't go off so I was late getting my kid up and she almost missed the bus. Then, something went wonky with the door on my truck and it won't stay closed. My husband managed to tie it closed (yeah, I know, classy) and off I went to get gas and go to school. Climb over to the passanger side to get out, pump gas and go inside for a coffee. Come back out, carefully climb in through the passanger side with my whipped cream, caramel latte and discover my phone missing. So I search all over for it and finally climb back over to get out, forgetting my coffee in the center console. When I climb over I squish it and get whipped cream and latte all over my butt. Oh and the car. Lovely. Go back inside- ask if the workers have seen my phone. Everybody searches all over, can't find it. I go to go back and get in my truck, open the truck door, my phone is ringing. It's under the seat. So now I look like a complete lunatic. Have to drive back home to change my pants and end up late to Logic class. After school I have to go get my kid from school. Of course I have to climb out the passenger side in front of a parking lot of the snooty moms. Then halfway to my kid's doctor appointment the bungee cord thing breaks and my door flies open. 20 minutes of standing outside in the pouring rain slamming my door shut and then having it pop back open later, we're late and I'm soaked. So I get back in and hold the door shut while I drive my kid to her appointment we were then late for. Finally get done, get to the store, and go get my husband from work (all the while trying to keep the door closed). Finally get home and bring in the groceries. Put them and my purse down and of course accidentally set my purse in the pan of oil that's on the stove from last night's fries. And then, cherry on the day was stubbing my toe hard as hell on a paint can in the bathroom when I got up in the middle of the night.
Totally a day of first world problems that made me want to move to some distant country, live in a mud hut, and farm. LOL Sigh.
Good question!!!

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answers from Louisville on

Too. Much. Junk.

I can't understand how the same person (my mother) who limited our toys and sweets growing up to a very reasonable amount has turned into a veritable bottomless junk food and junk toys dispenser. And then she tells me I have too much clutter in my house. Sigh.

So today, I'm trying very hard to get the clutter under control, and I'm filling trash bags--big trash bags, and yes, that's plural-- with cheap plastic "insert needless piece of junk here," and wondering why gift giving and holidays have degenerated to this mindlessness. Tomorrow I will feel guilty for having gotten rid of a particular "insert needless piece of junk here" when one of children asks for it, but right now, I'm just irritated.

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answers from Cleveland on

I'm watching my favorite movie for the upteen bazillionth time...but because I was too lazy to get off the couch, I'm watching on TV which means I have to deal with commercials.

I'm having issues building the website for my business.

And I'm a damn huge sack of sadness today...crying every 15 minutes over nothing.

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answers from Denver on

that the printer maintenance man is cleaning the printer and I havent been able to print for 10 minutes.

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answers from Albany on

I don't even know what the phrase "first world problem" actually means! I suppose that means I don't have any?

Well then, I guess it's all "fluid" with me! But thanks for asking.


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answers from Denver on

We are redoing a shower that desperately needed to be redone. Should be great, but I can NOT get these contractors to work! They are here for maybe 2 hours at a time if they show (and don't call of course). This is the most ridiculously drawn out process. I have to be nice to them so they don't mess up the job out of spite, but I am screaming on the inside! Wow, I feel better now! Thanks for asking!! Have a great day!

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answers from San Diego on

I'm assisting on a fundraiser that I ran last year and I'm working with two of the biggest Debbie Downers. I'm working my butt off and they're focusing on the negative every possibility. Truly first world and when I get my humor back, I'll laugh at how crazy the whole situation is.

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answers from San Francisco on

Not sure if it is worth spending 600 dollars to move a free Craigslist piano to my home.

If only everyone's problems in the world could be this "problem".

Life goes on..we all need to live our lives to the fullest no matter what is happening in the world. Who knows what tomorrow brings to us individually...tomorrow could bring on real problems.

Good luck and best wishes...it is therapeutic to read these...thanks.

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answers from Atlanta on

I couldn't find a babysitter this afternoon so that I could go and enjoy a golf tournament with my husband. (This is a fun question).

Family pictures are on Sunday and I want all the boys to have matching jeans (i.e. same wash). It is VERY difficult to find a selection of jeans in April in the south.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I let myself get too wrapped up in "controversial" message board threads! :D

I think more of the new questions on the board today could be considered "first world problems" than true parenting issues. But those are fun to read, so I'm not complaining.

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answers from Iowa City on

I woke up to a flooded basement and bedroom. But I finally have it under control thanks to a long handled squeegee and a sump pump. But flooding isn't exactly a "first world" problem.

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answers from New York on

I am going to visit Flaming Turnip!!!!pretty quiet day here for a change!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Apparently I don't keep my Restoration Hardware credit card in my wallet so I cannot complete my furniture order while my kids play in the park. I will have to go home and search secondary locations for that credit card and if i can't find it, i'll miss the sale to complete my bedroom set.

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answers from Portland on

My son's new Millenium Falcon toy is making Tardis noises.

(and it's not the expensive one-- we got an old one online for a song. Second-world price for first world toy.)

Beer me, too, please. :P

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answers from Chicago on

I had to take an alternative route to pick up my son from school today because our usual route was totally submerged and emergency responders were trying to rescue a driver who was stuck in their flooded out car. It took me an extra 12 minutes.

Much better than my trip to school this morning where I thought we were going to flood and stall.

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answers from San Francisco on

Mine aren't too bad today.

The antibiotics that I am taking makes my mouth taste like metal...constantly.

I had to wait on hold for 10-15 minutes to make an appointment at the pediatrician office this morning (while the hold message kept telling me the estimated time was 1 minute).

Oh, and I cannot find someone to buy my husband's ticket to an NHL hockey game tonight so he can work late instead.

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answers from Boca Raton on

I'm barreling down towards the end of another homeschooling year and freaking out, as usual.

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answers from Columbia on

I don't want to eat my chewable vitamin C because I don't like the flavor. I took all of my other vitamins. I think next time I'll get the tablets I can just swallow.

Volleyball. I have a double-header tonight and I'm already tired.

I'm paranoid that the electricity at my house is going to go out during all this rain. My sump pump has been going almost non-stop. If the power goes out, my basement will flood.

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answers from Detroit on

I'm stuck between interviewing at vet practices for a new job, vs. taking the plunge and purchasing a practice myself...I'm at a point where I think I want to own my own practice but in the meanwhile I still need to be working somewhere!

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answers from Wausau on

Last night I forgot to put water in my coffee maker, which I set on a timer so that it is brewed just before my alarm goes off. I had to wait a whole 10 extra minutes for my coffee. Life is hard. ;-)

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answers from Chicago on

My yard is a swimming pool. But we have not flooded inside so guess I will take that. My husband took my older son to the doc for his physical and forgot to get the school form and my 1 yr old decided that it would be cool to climb all over the place, fell and got another bump on his head. I swear the kid is part monkey.
And we are set for MORE rain. I think we have had enough.

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answers from Seattle on

I forgot to go to my Acupuncture appointment this morning and was embarrassed when she called looking for me.

I had gone to bed too late, because my husband is out of town for the week, and my daughter was in the school play, and my son had a new dance class across town, plus we had parent teacher conferences, and the dog threw up in her kennel, and before I could get back to cleaning it up, she was eating it, so now needs a bath from vomit stains around her mouth, and I dropped a container of freshly cooked sausages on the carpet in front of the frig, and put them back in hoping, there's no hair or anything on them, as I can't check because my new bifocals had to be reordered yesterday, so I can't see close up enough to inspect, so I wonder if I should throw those sausages out. And my house is a disaster from being sick all last week with a sinus infection and cold, and being gone for 2 weeks before that for spring break, and recovering from minor back surgery the 2 weeks before that. I need help.

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answers from Washington DC on

i have to go to work this morning, to my awesome amazing part-time job that i adore.
i just don't feel like putting on makeup and driving.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I have been having Ally's problem for a LONG time now, not just today.

My first world problems of today:

It's late April... And it's snowing... We are in the middle of a blizzard right now... So once I leave work (I'm a nanny so my day was spent coloring, playing with toys, watching Disney movies, and glancing at mamapedia every now and again... Very stressful ;) ), I have to trudge all of about 20 feet to my car while carrying a purse, diaper bag, baby gate, and a toddler (I bring my 2 year old along) to my car which is heated. Then my normally 20 minute drive will probably take about 40 minutes if not more. Okay, that is an actual problem because I could very well end up in the ditch and then I'll have to call triple A and use up the last of our free tows for the year... Sigh...

OH! My new phone keeps bugging me to do a software update but I can't until I get home because it needs a full battery to complete. Very annoying...

Um... I'm sure I'll have more later

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answers from Milwaukee on

I have horrible sinus pain, crying kids and no narcotics only Tylenol and Advil - uggg

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answers from Miami on

I'm just now seeing your question, M. The first thing I thought when I saw it, is that I don't have any third world problems, so all of mine MUST be first world problems!

I do think that it's okay to be light-hearted about some problems. There are so many serious ones on this site with moms far and wide. And there are so many world problems as well. I think about the kids who don't have enough to eat and their moms here in the US who struggle to make their grocery money stretch so that the frig isn't empty before the week is out. As an adult, I've never had that happen in my house with my kids. I do remember my mom telling me that she and my daddy ate hot dogs so that us kids could have the more healthy food when we were little, because they didn't have much back then.

At this point in my life, I know that if my husband and I retire in 5 short years, other than health insurance which we would have to buy, we'd have as much to live off of after retirement as we do now on a salary. Luck and good planning have been our friend, even with the terrible downturn with the economy 4 years ago. I'm grateful for that, though we certainly won't be retiring in just 5 years. One needs a goal in life and to keep one's mind young! In 5 short years, our kids will be done with college and will hopefully get decent jobs and live and manage life on their own, with no college debt. Another thing to be grateful for.

I might consider it a problem to have to manage taking care of things like the shower plugging up because my hair has gone down the drain, and the kitchen spigot working its way loose (another plumbing bill), but I'm also contributing to the economy by giving someone a job so that he can feed his family.

Gonna make my hair appointment to color my gray - even though I hate gray hair on me, at least there's a such a thing as hair color so that I don't HAVE to have a problem with gray hair. Yippee!

My highschooler has had such a hard time with his pre-calc. His poor grades were definitely a problem, demoralizing for him and stressful for me. I hired a tutor (a cute highschool girl in AP Calc) and she is helping him understand the math. He made a 90 yesterday on his test. Hurray! I'm so happy for him and grateful that I found a solution to THAT problem. (And the tutor is such a sweetheart!)

So basically, I can't think of any of my "problems" as problems! And I feel grateful and blessed because of it.

Life is good!

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answers from Miami on

I'm about to get my period. I have cramps :( Was that TMI?

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answers from Knoxville on

Had one little on writhing in pain from constipation pains and couldn't find the Mirilax. After picking up more then stopping by friends house to pick up my kids, my friend says,"Oh, I know where your Mirilax is! It's on the middle shelf of the counter right before you leave the kitchen and go into the office." What?!?! How did she know/remember? I cant remember what day it is! She was right and she hasn't been over in almost a month!
Other DD woke yesterday with ear pain. I looked and didn't see redness so I figured she slept on it funny as she was saying that the pain was external. She woke again this morning with ear pain. Ugh. I guess we are off to the doc. :P

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answers from Kansas City on

Trying to determine how much to increase our 401K contributions. Because the market is VERY compassionate at the moment.

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answers from Seattle on

My first world problem is simple. I'm bored as all get out, cable, even premium extra expensive cable, is horrible and I find myself watching Full Metal Jacket yet again. No my complaint is not about the movie but rather my inability to do much due to pain issues and thus am stuck watching TV.

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