Sleeping Through the Night. - Cincinnati,OH

Updated on March 08, 2008
H.H. asks from Cincinnati, OH
9 answers

Help, My baby girl lucy is 8 months old and wakes up twice in the middle of the night! When she was three weeks old she was sleeping through the night, one month ago upto now she is waking up two times and she screams so loud because she is so hungry! My husband and I try to feed her before she goes to bed. My mom said to keep her up until we go to bed,but I don't want to do that! I would never have time to do the things I want to do! I tried putting her down at 9:00 and she still wakes up! I wouldn't mind if she was the only kid in our family but, we have a son who is 7 1/2 and an daughter who is 5 1/2. HELP! H. H.

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So What Happened?

Thank You everyone for the advice! We have been putting her to bed at 9:30 and we feed her before she goes to bed tha problem is she will only take 4 ounces instead of 8. I think if she would take all of her milk she would sleep through the night! she eats stage 2 foods and ceral, but we tried mash bananas and pototoes. Lucys doesn't have the concept of chewing yet, so she chokes and it can be quite scary! I have tried once to to let her cry for 15 min. to see if she will go back to sleep, but the problem is she is so loud because shes mad and so hungry. That you can her her all through the house it wakes up the other kids. I would but her down later, but to me thats the only time I can get anything done and have time to myself! Its hard my husband travels all the time so I basically have no help at all from any of my family members! I won't mind if I didn't have to other kids and wasn't running around all day! I would just let her cry it out because thats what we did with my first child! So Thank you guys so much! Hopefully we can figure this out soon! H. H.

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answers from Columbus on

I agree with Lynn, feed her when she goes to bed and if she wakes, feed her then put her right back in bed. Don't keep her up and play.....J., Grandmother of 8, 4 married children, I have been married 45Yrs

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answers from Fort Wayne on

She may be going through a growth spurt. My dd didn't sleep through the night till she was 9 months old. As soon as we started her on table food, she slept all night. I think she was just hungry! Maybe try adding a snack right before bed? I don't know if that would work or not.



answers from Fort Wayne on

8 months old....does she eat cereal yet? I started feeding my kids cereal at 6 months, and it really helped them be able to make it through a longer period of time at night before they needed to eat. You can use your breastmilk or formula to make it.



answers from Columbus on

My son is 9 months and sometimes she sleeps through the night and sometimes he doesnt. I think it depends on growth spurts and separation anxiety. (If if he's getting a cold) I have to use my best judgement and if I think he's ok and just want to get up to see my husband and I, I make him cry it out with love. Basically, I go in and out of his room, (never picking him up) but talking and rubbing his face. Usually within the hour he goes back to sleep. And he normally doesnt scream the whole time. But if he's sick or teething or he hasn't got to spend enough time with us during the day....I know he needs us and I will feed him. Everynight is different. Good luck!



answers from Cleveland on

H. Hi,
I read the responses before doing mine I have to agree somewhat with all the below statements. I do cereal both bowl & bottle ( yep regardless of the ob saying anything to which mine a female AGREES!) but just 1/2oz in her bottle usually before naps and before bed, also solids and she loves her table food so you might need to feed your daughter more it seems and tire her out more too --- play with her and the kids before they have their bed times and maybe try the ritual like we do every other night or every night bathe her with lavender baths and massage her and then bottle & BED.
it works! Mine is starting to go back into her bed and shes still teething -- on her 8th tooth lol! But this all started in November! here we are like YOU wanting her to go to sleep for more than 5 hours or more.
She was sleeping through the night and now its once or twice in the night waking for diaper or bottle...keep the ritual!



answers from Indianapolis on

She may be going through a growth spurt. Just feed her when she wakes if she is hungry and put her right back down. Don't do anything extra to awaken her. Soon she will be sleeping through the night again. Hope this helps. L.



answers from Cleveland on

im sorry to hear the problems your having with your little one but some times you got to do what you got to do and if that means keeping her up for a bit longer or waking her up earlier its what you must do... my daughter did that same thing and i did what i just told you and she has no problems anymore she sleeps through the whole night now and its wonderfull.. i hope i have been aleast a bit of help well good luck and take care...



answers from Lafayette on

How are you putting her to sleep each time? The way she initially falls to sleep at night is how she will get herself back to sleep when she stirs in the middle of the night. We all stir in the night but if everything is the same we will settle back down. We rocked our daughter until she fell asleep and when she woke up she had to have us to help her settle down. You need to start by making sure she if very tired and very full. Make sure she is sleepy. Put her down in bed and walk away. I know it is hard. It is very important that she learn how to put herself to sleep but that doesn’t involve letting her just cry until the end of time. Crying is not bad in that it allows her to use up extra energy. Lay her down and leave the room. After 10 minutes, if she is still crying hard, go in and without turning the lights on speak to her and possibly pat her just a little. Tell her you love her and it is time to go to sleep. Leave the room again. Continue this every 10-15 minutes. She won’t last long and she will be sound asleep. Do this every time you lay her down for naps as well as nighttime. It is okay to rock her but lay her down when she is awake. I just helped our close friends to do this and sometimes she would call me to talk while they waited the crying out. Find something to do, don’t just stand by the door. The benefits will be that she will be able to go to sleep soon and will be happier when she wakes up. My friends were amazed how their little guy would wake up cooing and would just fall asleep playing with toys on the floor. With our first daughter my husband couln't stand the crying and finally resorted to laying on the floor by her crib. Guess what happened when she woke in the night and Daddy wasn't there? Then we had to break her from that.

It is not unreasonable to have her go to bed at 8 or 9 you may need to not let her take a long nap but a short one at the naptime before the bedtime. Keep trying and she will settle in soon.



answers from Evansville on

maybe she needs more food, or thicker bottle, like one scoop of rice cereal with 3 scoops of fomula it mite help her sleep all night or longer during the night. give her a warm soothing bath right before bed, and put some thing that relaxes her in her bed. or talk to her doctor it may be a hidden medical problem she might need help, with not taking in but 4oz at her age she might need a doctors help with this.

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