Seeking a Playgroup in the S. Hills Area

Updated on March 06, 2008
S.A. asks from Pittsburgh, PA
4 answers

I am a stay at home Mom for now and my daughter Violet is 2 and loves playing with other children and we would love to find other Moms and daughters within the ages of 2-3 to have a playdate with or plan activities within the Crafton,S. Hills area. If anybody is interested please respond or e-mail here! I will consider all invites.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

MOPS, Mothers of Preschoolers I believes has a S. Hills group. I advertise with them on a semi annual basis -- seems like a nice bunch.



answers from Pittsburgh on

Hi S.,

I belong to a group in the South Hills called Mothers N More. They have a monthly meeting (one evening per month) and they have play groups for the kids once a week or so and they have Mom's Night out too. It is a great group of moms and kids. Here is their webpage if you are interested in going. The monthly meeting is tonight.

I won't be there because I am out of town right now, but you will meet lots of other great people. You can go to a few meetings before deciding to join. Annual dues are only $45.


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answers from Pittsburgh on

I know youll get a big kick out of this. you are such a wonderful mother and violet is, as you know collins girlfriend. Collin hopes he is not going to be replaced by a better looking boy, if such a boy is out there.LOL. We do hope that you can find some playmates for violet that are a little closer in miles than we are. for any one reading this response our children have known each other since birth. and violet just like collin is a very loving and affectionate child, and your child would be blessed to get to know violet. and call her friend. much love as always M.



answers from Pittsburgh on


Founded in February 2007, and established as a non-profit organization, Modern Moms Pittsburgh (MoMo) is an online support network for parents in the Greater Pittsburgh Area. MoMo's goal is to give parents the opportunity to interact socially, intellectually and creatively.

Some of our features include private online message boards, which allow users to connect with other parents and seek advice regarding a variety of parenting topics. Our Message Board Index (MBI) includes a referral database for services throughout Greater Pittsburgh.

Parents are able to log in and sign up for events which interest them on our Calendar. The calendar is filled with multiple daily events including: themed playgroups, community outings, seminars and adult only social networking events.

Users also enjoy a chat forum which is open 24/7. Organized chats take place multiple times a week.

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