Not Sure If I’m Pregnant Yet but Accidentally Stained a Table for a Few Hours?

Updated on March 10, 2018
A.H. asks from Garland, TX
9 answers

The area was not well ventilated and I didn’t use a mask. I don’t know what I was thinking. If I’m pregnant will my baby be okay?

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answers from Portland on

If it were me, I would find out if I were pregnant first - then worry about this.

I have no idea.

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answers from Washington DC on

i'm trying to wrap my head around accidentally staining a table.

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answers from Washington DC on


Welcome to mamapedia!

How does one "accidentally" stain a table for a FEW HOURS??

you don't know if you're pregnant? Come on. Take a test. You can get them at the dollar store too.

IF you are pregnant and you "accidentally" stained a table in a poorly ventilated room and didn't use a mask? You need to re-think your life.

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answers from New York on

See a doctor. And in the meantime, stay away from imperfect tables, in case compulsion strikes.

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answers from Norfolk on

First - see a doctor about getting a blood test to find out if you are pregnant.
If you are - you're probably ok - but if you are trying to conceive - you pretty much act like you are already pregnant in anticipation - and you stay away from chemicals/fumes and take prenatal vitamins so you are prepared for when it happens.

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answers from Reading on

How do you “accidentally” stain a table?


How do you “accidentally” stain a table?

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answers from New York on

oh yesterday.. i totally paid one dollar for a pregnancy test. peed on it this morning and was easily able to see that even though i didn't have a period when i was supposed to, i am not pregnant!! god i love those things. the ability to know if i am pregnant or not is such a relief rather than wondering..

on another note, even someone who is not questioning pregnancy should be using stain in a well ventilated area.. they even put that right there on the label of the stain.

if you feel fine. then things are totally fine. if you feel off then call the dr.

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answers from Miami on

You and the baby will be fine, if you are actually pregnant. Be more careful about ventilation when you have fumes of any sort around, including if you use bleach while washing clothes.



answers from Portland on

Your bit of time staining a table will not hurt your baby if you're pregnant. Why are you spending time worrying about something that you don't even know if you're pregnant.

Using chemicals while staining is not dangerous to either you or an unborn baby unless you are using those chemicals daily for weeks and months.

I urge you to get counseling to learn why you worry so much. Learn how to let go of your worries and become a more confident self. Counseling is important for your well being and the well being of your unborn children.

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