In a Funk

Updated on June 15, 2011
M.3. asks from Reading, PA
12 answers

Hey Mama's -

I'm not sure how to word this but here goes - I feel like I'm in a funk! I feel like I've been this way for a while - since I had my last child. I'm constantly grumpy and cranky and I can't get out of it. I know part of it has to do with my job. It's a very stressful job. Has this happened to anyone else? What helped you snap out of it????

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answers from Spokane on

I know this may sound crazy but I was in a complete funk not too long ago. I went to my ob/gyn and she ran a bunch of tests/labs. One of the things she found is that I was extremely low on my Vitamin D and B 12. I have been taking both the last couple of months and have seen a dramatic change in my mood and outlook ;)

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answers from Minneapolis on

I don't know what your schedule allows but finding some outlet like exercise or possibly talking to a counselor might help. Both of those things help me when I get into a I have been funk free for quite a while!

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answers from Peoria on

I have felt the same way although I have been a SAHM. Not sure how we can get out of it but for our kids and husbands sake hopefully it will be soon!

I feel for you!!! Hope you have a decent week.

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answers from Washington DC on

Girlfriend time always helps me!!!

If you can change jobs, do - get your resume updated and out there for others to consider you...

YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! i'm sorry you are going through this...I've had my ups and downs too and girl friend time ALWAYS helps me!!! Start making and taking time for yourself to take care of you!!!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

WHen my funk was really bad I went to the dr... they did lots and lot of bloodwork. And found that my Vitamin B12 was really low and i had to get shots of it also my thyroid was not working correctly.
My suggestion is to call your doctor and ask for bloodwork prior to your appt... tell them your symptoms.. funk...
Minimum they should check your Vitamin D and B and your thyroid TSH
if those are slightly off you can feel terrible.
Good Luck and let us know.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Please call your doctor and ask to be evaluated for Post Partum Depression. You may have a mild case. It is very treatable, and you will feel so much better. If that isn't it, get a physical. Could be a vitamin or hormonal imbalance. If it isn't any of those things, maybe you need to find a counselor to talk to to try to figure out what is causing it and what to do about it. Good for you for reaching out and doing something about it!

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answers from Houston on

Of course your job can be a huge factor to a funk mood. I am pregs with baby three and was just telling my dr that I have been all out of sorts lately, which is not usual for me. She suggested taking some vitamin D, making sure I do get sleep and possibly seeing a counselor just to unload and get some clarity. So I have been going to bed earlier, I haven't gotten any Vit D, but I have been getting out in the sun with my kiddos more, like daily and I am thinking on the counselor. Mainly bc I am feeling better and I don't know if she takes my insurance or not. I also talked to my husband and told him I feel totally burnt out and that I need some down time weekly so now I get a night a week all to myself where he will take the kids I will go play or do whatever I want, I took myself to the movies last week, it was awesome. I am feeling much much better. I also talked to a really good friend about everything I was feeling and it helped so much. I NEVER let go to my friends bc I am just kind of independent and keep things to myself a lot, but sometimes you need to unload to a good trustworthy girlfriend and just say what's really in your head, you know? Hope that helps and hope you are out of your funk soon!!

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answers from Philadelphia on

I ma in the same boat. I'm not sure exactly what it is. My daughter just turned one a couple weeks ago, and I still feel just off. Nothing major, just more easily irritated. I would love to know how to snap out of it.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I completely agree with Elizabeth F. Anti-Depressants and getting some progesterone/testosterone helped me almost immediately; I felt like a new woman (btw, safe for breastfeeding).

I'd call Susan Merenstein at Murray Avenue Apocathery...she knows more about hormones than any Endocrenologist I have ever met! She does phone consults, I believe...###-###-####

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answers from Houston on

st johns wort helps me enormously, take the one a day ones


answers from Allentown on

What is stressing you out about the job?



answers from Jacksonville on

Hook up with some girlfriends and vent a little, it helps to know someone is listening and giving your feelings validation ! Give yourself some me time ,EVERYDAY, even if for just 10 minutes. We get so caught up in being mother, wife, daughter, etc sometimes we lose sight of who we are as a person aside from all the roles we have to play, and it can get exhausting ! Find your self again, try something you've never tried ! There are some great books out there ,too ! C. S.

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