Getting to the L&D, Logistics

Updated on September 14, 2010
L.A. asks from Rego Park, NY
5 answers

First timer here and at 8 months. My hubby is in law school in Manhattan, I work in Jersey City, we live in Queens and my ob/gyn is affiliated with North Shore LIJ in Nassau.

If, for whatever reason, hubby can't be gotten a hold of, what would you recommend I do re: getting to the hospital?

Do I call an ambulance? If so, will they take me to the nearest hospital or the hospital of my choice?

Should I call a cab?

Do I need to bring a garbage bag/ vinyl table cloth/ shower curtain to line the seat of the car? Am I better off in the back seat?

The doctor said to call when labor begins, the hospital tour told us about valet parking, but no one has spoken about the mechanics of getting to the hospital.

Thanks for your help in working out logistics.

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answers from Saginaw on

Most likely when labor begins its not a slam bam here it is type of thing. You should be able to drive yourself and if you don't feel comfortable with that, is there a family member/neighbor/coworker/friend that you can ask as a backup?

I also wouldn't worry about putting anything down in the car, of course your water could break, but then it most likely won't either, if you don't feel comfortable weighing on the option it won't in the car. Then just put a towel down and you should be fine. (I had two children and both times my water broke towards the tail end of labor for me)

Congrats and Best wishes!

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answers from Columbus on

First labors are usually slow, and you should have plenty of time to either drive yourself or have a friend/neighbor drive you. You might want to have the friend/neighbor back-up plan in place, in case you're feeling very uncomfortable.

If you're a worry wort :) about the waters breaking, keep a towel in the car & sit on it.

And it's pretty okay to labor at home, where you're comfortable, for several hours before going to the hospital. Reading about it won't give you the "real feel" of it, but it will give you a good idea what to expect. And knowing what to expect can help alleviate some of the anxiety. If you haven't already, do take a birthing class or read about the normal progression of labor and what it entails.

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answers from Los Angeles on

If this is your first baby, chances are pretty high that labor is going to be a fairly long and slow process. Not like in the movies where your water breaks and the baby comes in 10 minutes. From the time labor starts, you should have PLENTY of time to make it to the hospital of your choice without needing an ambulance and without having your baby in the backseat of a cab. There is a good chance you'll have several hours of labor at home before the doc even wants you to come to the hospital.

All that said, it's great that you're thinking ahead and planning. An ambulance will take you to the nearest hospital, not the one you choose. And a cab could be outrageously expensive if you're far from home. Do you have any friends with cars that can be your backups? Maybe someone in your neighborhood and a second person at your work, so that you're covered no matter where you are?

Good luck!
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answers from Toledo on

I would ask your OB what he/she suggests. Since they practice in your area, you probably aren't the first one with this dilemma. Good luck!!



answers from Chicago on

Hi L.,

It is my understanding that ambulances won't take you to the hospital of your choice. Ambulances aren't 'transport services' so they are directed to take you to the nearest facility that will be able to handle your EMERGENCY.

So, if you wake up in the middle of the night in severe pain, bleeding that soaks through your clothing or contractions that are less than 4 minutes apart - call an ambulance and let them take you to the nearest hospital.

For anything else, call your Dr.
Once you describe what is going on, your Dr will be able to give you a good indication of when to report to the hospital. Your Dr will also call ahead and alert them that you are coming which will cut WAY down on your wait to get to your room once you arrive, because they are expecting you.

If your water breaks, once you have the initial loss of fluid (which my understanding is really only about a cup or two of liquid) the rest of it is just a constant 'trickle' so there will be no need to line the seat with plastic - a towel will do fine. A co-worker had her water break at work and just changed her clothes, put on an overnight maxi pad, finished her shift (30 minutes) and then went to the hospital (she wasn't having bad contractions and wasn't around customers or anything that was unsanitary - I don't recommend this lol).

Yes, you are better off in the backseat (even now) because of the airbag. Or just make sure the front seat is back as far as it can go.

Pack a bag now and sit it by the front door, so that all you have to do is grab it when you walk out the door. Don't forget change of clothes for the baby!

You can call a cab (although you might have trouble hailing
I would have been more comfortable having a friend take me (thankfully my mom was visiting to help!). You can drive yourself or take the train. Labor usually progresses VERY slowly. I COULD have driven myself, but you don't want to drive if you are distracted, emotional or having contractions that are painful.

If you have already bought the baby seat - put it in your hub's car now. The hospital won't let you leave until they see you have one, so even if you can't get ahold of him to take you, he will at least bring it when he joins you for delivery.

Odds are (old wives tale / myth) that you will go into labor at night (or in the evening just after you eat dinner). So, you should be ok!!!!

How exciting ~ GOOD LUCK!

Good Luck!!!!!

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