Car Seat Escape

Updated on January 07, 2011
S.B. asks from Keller, TX
7 answers

My daughter has figured out how to undo the latch on her car seat, the one in between her legs (so far she hasn't mastered the chest strap). I thought it was a fluke the first time, but it has happened a few times since then. I have checked it over and over and it appears to be functioning fine. I also switched the car seat with the one in my hubby's car (just in case it was a faulty latch) and she got that one open once too. I think she is simply fiddling with it and getting lucky since it doesn't happen every time we are in the car. I am not sure how she is managing it, you have to push it pretty hard to open it. Fortunately, my 5 yo has been able to alert me each time it has happened. Is there some sort of cover I can get for the latch or some sort of homemade trick? She is only 26 months old. It's making me nervous when we get on the road.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Yep.. .it's a stage they seem to all go through. I remember wishing they sold a device to stop that sort of thing... like child proof covers for door knobs, lol.

It was many years ago for us. Our son had undone the seat belt that held the car seat itself into the car! Only we didn't realize it. We were on a road trip, and were stopped by a state trooper doing a routine license check and he asked me to step out of the car. I had no idea what was going on... He said "were you aware that your child isn't buckled in?" Of course, I thought he WAS and he WAS (to the car seat)... but the car seat itself was not secured to the CAR. I was shaken up by that. I made it a habit to always check that and talked to my son about it too. Being able to tell him that the police were checking that sort of thing too helped, I think. lol

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answers from Minneapolis on

You can take the rough side of a piece of velcro and stick it onto hte buckle. Dont' use tape or anything that impedes the use of the buckle itself, and don't turn it backwards. IT needs to be functional so in a crash emergency persons can get it unhooked right away without trying to fiddle with a homemade or store bought cover.

Just cut a piece of self sticking velcro, use the rough side, and put it over where you push the button on the crotch buckle. Its usually pokey enough so they won't push it.

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answers from Chicago on

Welcome to parenting - LOL. I think you just need to stress "no no" when she's playing with it. Just like if she was headed for the stairs or a hot stove. Perhaps you can put a little blanket over her lap so that it's not right there for her to play with?

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answers from Milwaukee on

I went through that also. I would pull over and fix it and stress to him how dangerous it was and eventually it stopped. Thank goodness your older child was raised to know that wearing a seat belt is important. Kuddos to you! I see kids rolling around in the back seats all the time.

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answers from Huntsville on

I've always talked to my daughter (almost 5) about how we have to be buckled in our seats so we don't fall out!

I started out with the simple "fall out" answer, but have since added on about accidents (hitting other cars or things), falling out, and getting hurt. I've never told her anything gruesome or anything to scare her. She usually will fuss if she has buckled her straps & I haven't tightened them up yet!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I'm guessing that whatever type of carseat you have has an easier than some latch to open. My son's carseats (he has a couple different ones in different cars) are pretty tough to unlatch. He is almost 5, and can just now push hard enough with the right leverage to get his open, and he's a big, strong boy, with big, strong hands.

If your daughter is having that easy of a time unaltching her buckle, and it's the same carseat in both of your cars, I'd contact the manufacturer just to see if this was an identified problem with any of their models. If not, I do believe there is a buckle cover or something for that. A place you can check is They have a lot of safety items like this, so I'd check there.

Aside from that, of course, just keep reinforcing the importance of staying buckled.

Hope you figure this out! I'd be worried getting on the road, too, if I had to keep looking to see if my child was unbuckled! :)

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