Best Food Storage Container for Deep Freezer?

Updated on October 23, 2007
S.T. asks from Rowlett, TX
6 answers

We have a deep freezer in our garage. I've tried the Criss storage containers from the Container Store, but the lids didn't stay sealed.

What is the best food storage container for a deep freezer?

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answers from San Antonio on

I don't have a deep freezer, but I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to food storage. I have a Vac Seal, but there are a few different brands out there. I think folks who hunt and that sort of thing use these machines a lot, I see them at the Sportsman's Warehouse and at the Bass Pro store. The system is mostly really the sturdy bags, and bags that you make the length you want w/ a roll. They also have lexan-type cannisters w/ lids that you can suck the air out of w/ the Vac Seal.
I try and use mine as much as I can, I think there is a big difference when I use it vs. ziploc type bags. HTH!



answers from Tyler on

I was raised on a farm and raised all our food. The best containers for a freezer in my opinion is vaccumn sealed bags or zips stored in baskets stacked in the freezer. Dry items are good in freezer paper. I know these are not eco friendly but they are the most economical and keep your food longer than the plastic. I also reuse the vaccumn bags regularly. There is also the option of being able to write on the bag to identify.



answers from El Paso on

My friend really likes Tupperware- has a good seal she says. Another friend bought one of those things with the plastic bags that sucks the air out and seals the bag- she likes it but has to keep buying their bags.

I prep meals for my freezer (and buy meat on sale and freeze it) and I actually just use Ziploc brand freezer bags- and double bag it. I've never had a problem with freezer burn. I close the bag around a straw, suck the extra air out (careful not to suck up what is inside LOL)and close it quickly as I pull the straw out.




answers from Amarillo on

The freezer smart from Tupperware works really well for me, and there are so many sizes! Tupperware products are guaranteed as well, which is nice.

The food doesn't get freezer burn in these like in some containers and they are made for the freezer so the lids stay on securely and tightly.

Best of luck.



answers from Sherman on

I freeze a lot of fruit,vegetables & meat, I find Glad freezer bags work great. I have pecans frozen from 2003 and they are still good.
A little about me, I am a stay at home Mom, Grandmother, & Great-grandmother. I Love The Lord Jesus with all my heart.



answers from Wichita Falls on

QVC sells lock and lock containers. I've seen something similar at Walmart too. Maybe those would be worth a try. Good luck!

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