Anyone Been to a Pediatric ENT?

Updated on July 31, 2008
A.Z. asks from Boynton Beach, FL
7 answers

My pediatrician is sending my 4 mth old to a pediatric ENT for what he believes is Tracheal Malacia. Has anyone else's child been diagnosed with this? Have you been to a pediatric ENT? How do they check for it? I know that it just means her trachea is soft and she will probably grow out of it. I just don't know what to expect when I take her there (do they stick things down her throat? is an office visit really invasive?)
If so, I'm not so sure I'm going to take her, I don't think I want to put her thru it.
Especially if she's going to grow out of it anyway.
Has anyone been to Dr. Spektor? Or can you recommend a good pediatric ENT? Or do you have any insight on this specific diagnosis? Anything would be helpful!! Thanks!

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So What Happened?

We went to Dr Spektor today because they happened to have a cancellation, and he was really great, and so was his staff.
Turns out, she has "Laryngeal Malacia". In other words, they tissue around her voice box is soft. There is nothing to do for it and will get better after about 9 months.
Thank you for yor input, those of you who responded.. I'm glad we went!

More Answers



answers from Boca Raton on

I take my daughter to Dr. Ira Stein near Palms West. He is absolutely the best...he will not put your child through unnecessary invasive procedures! Kids love him, he is very gentle and his office staff is very friendly as well.


answers from Boca Raton on

I have never heard of the diagnosis, but I take my (20 mos old) son to Dr. Emmer he is is one of the medical buildings in the Wellington Regional Hospital...................He is a sweetheart and very good with children!



answers from Boca Raton on

My 2 1/2 year old saw Dr Spektor. I only recommend him because he did wonders for my son. He placed ear tubes and took his adenoids out and now my son is ear infection free (thank God) and he can swallow. Dr Spektor is not surgery happy. He really knows what he is doing. My sons pediatrician said my sons tubes were put in perfectly. Also Dr Spektor calls you back and if you have an emergency he is very attentive. Good Luck



answers from Boca Raton on

I'm not familiar with the condition, but we are going to see Dr Stein for my almost 1 yr old's chronic ear infections and fluid in ears... I will update after our appt on the 18th of July!



answers from Boca Raton on

My daughter goes to Palm Beach ENT. Dr.Dattolo is great with kids and the ofice is very nice and staff is friendly. She has had two ear tube surgeries and an adenoidectomy and everything has been great after that!



answers from Boca Raton on

My son who is almost 20 months just had tubes put in his ears. Obviously we went to an ENT. We saw Dr. Ari Wirtschafter at Ear, Nose and Throat Associates of South Florida. My neighbor's nephew went to Dr. Spektor and he has good recommendations. I could not find his contact information so I went with my ped's referral. As it turns out, several parents have taken their kids to Dr. "W".
I have no knowledge of your daughter's diagnosis but recommend going to an ENT. They are highly trained and can provide a lot of relief to your child. Good luck.



answers from Boca Raton on

Dr. Spektor has treated two of my three children for a different condition. He is wonderful as well as his staff. I would definetely see him and see what he recommends. Best wishes.
Saskia T

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