Advice on Potty Training - Elizabeth City, NC

Updated on September 11, 2008
T.T. asks from Elizabeth City, NC
6 answers

I am watching this 4 yr. old on Mondays and Tuesdays. His mom asked me to help her potty train him. I have a 3 yr old son who is potty trained already and was potty trained by 2 1/2. I have been training him since the end of last school year. During the summer I didn't have to watch him. I got him back this school year and he is still not all the way potty trained. He goes potty for me but he will not go #2. His family is not helping me at all cause they leave a diaper on him at all times. I have had about enough of it. Do you think it is wrong of me to give up on trying to potty train him? I have told them he doesn't want to wear a diaper anymore but I guess they just don't care. Would you happen to have any ideas how I can help him to learn to go #2 in the potty?

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for your advice. I have decided to stick to helping him get potty trained so he can go to school with my son next year. I have noticed that his mom has put underware on him the last two days so hopefully we can get him potty trained completely. I bought stickers and am going to try that to see how it goes. Once again thank you to all of you!

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answers from Richmond on

This is what makes your 'job' so special but very hard at times. You can help train and raise up the child but you also have to carefully do the same with some parents too. I would dare to say that if you could spend some much needed one-on-one time with the parents, you'd have this potty training licked, eh? LOL!

Here's my suggestion, put him on the 'big potty' and turn him around backwards. My boys have all done that and were potty trained early (their doing not mine). This will keep the pee-pee in the pot too. You know from having a boy, what happens when the go poop. LOL!

My sister was having trouble training my nephew when he was 3 or so. I watched him for her one day and never thinking about it, I put him on the regular potty backwards just like I have always done my 3. She called me that night and told me how he screamed to sit on the 'big one da udder way, uike N. Jean did it.' How cute is that?! He never went back to pull ups! Plus, like you said, mom had to be willing to 'work it' and NOT use the diapers/pull ups any more. I know it's harder for working moms but I always ask, 'what are you working for?" Isn't it for the family (aka the kids)?....

Good Luck to you and please give your husband a great big THANK YOU for all that he is and has done for us all! His service is much appreciated!

Take Care,
N. ;) SAHM homeschooling 3 boys 12, 7 & 2 yrs old. Also married to my Mr. Wonderful for almost 15yrs. Helping moms, who want to become SAHMs, reach their goals! Ask me how I do it.



answers from Norfolk on

I think these parents have been lucky to have you. it sounds like they are taking advantage you and depending on you to parent their child because they are too lazy to make the effort. It is ultimately up to them to do the work with the support of others like yourself. It is not up to you to do the work with no support from mom and dad. If they are not on board, your efforts are pointless because we all know that if its "ok" at home not to be potty trained then then the poor child is not going to take it serious. He is going to start school soon! Mom and Dad are about to have a rude awakening and it's NOT your fault or responsibility to make their jobs as parents easier. I would not blame you for giving up. If you don't have the parents support, how is it going to work. It's not fair to you at all.



answers from Richmond on

Hello T.. I think it is great that you have such a concern for this little boy. I have some tuff questions for you but only b/c I want to help and knowing helps. Do you know for sure that the parents are not helping with potty training? Why are you really upset? Are you upset b/c it will cause you more work and time or upset b/c you don't feel supported. I am a Director of an early childhood and development center. I have been for 12 years and love it. Through out my time in a early childhood setting, I have seen a lot and can understand frustration. Believe me. All children do not get potty trained by the time they are 2 or even 3. Especially boys. Do you know what happened over the summer to cause the little boy to regress? My son is 3 and at 2 1/2 was potty trained and then he fell into the potty 3 different times and then he became afraid and wanted nothing to do with it. Even after he told me, he was no longer scared..... he lost intrest. It was very frustrating b/c I was having to start from the beginning. I would talk to the parents and express your concern. Do not make them feel like bad parents but just that you know in order to get this precious little boy trained , yall need to work as a team. Show concern and share the benifts of getting him trained. (he'll be ready for preschool & big school, no more diapers or pull ups/ saves money, etc...)Ask them to take him to the bathroom every 30 to 40 mins once they are home with him and even on weekends. Consistancy is the key. Don't ask him if he needs to go, lead him in there and tell him it's potty time. If he goes, let him put a sticker on a chart. (They are a lot of other ideas on that if you need some ideas, I am sure you have many of your own) Tell them you will do the same. Get them excited and have them show the same excitment everytime he goes. I wouldn't give up on him. He needs someone to believe in him and it sounds like you do or you wouldn't be asking for advice. I commend you for wanting to help this little boy. It sounds like your a great care giver. Communicate to the parents (especially about consitency) and see if you can work together. It kind of calls them on it and also shows them how much you car for their son. Communication is key to any relatioship. I pray that some of what I have said helps you a little. God Bless & a big thank you to your husband. My brother is over seas right now and I couldn't be more proud of him. Thank you! ~K.
Ps. I don't think it's that they don't care but unfortuantly we live in a world that stays busy. We communicate by e-mails and texts not written letters or even phone calls much anymore. It's like out of sight, out of mind. Mostly to do with high demands of work. They could just be stressed and it comes across as having little care for their child. They need some organization tips, most likely. :) I am not excussing it but a lot of times that is the reason. I would make it easy for them. Tell them to bring him in underwear b/c you really want to help him get potty trained (if they don't change him as soon as he arrives)and tell them you've done a lot of research on this b/c you care so much and want to get him trained. Buy 2 candy jars at the $1 store and fill them with m & m's or something like that, that he will like. Give one to mom and keep one for yourself. Give mom a poster board ans stickers same for you. He only gets a m & m if he he goes poo poo. He puts one sticker on the chart if he pee pees and two if he poo poos. Once he gets a certain amount he can get something out of a treasure box or something. Maybe mom can help you supply the box with little things from the dollar store. Once he does go make a really big deal, give him a m & m and let him call mom & dad to tell them about it. Praise works really well. Children can sense your frustration and that will deter him more so be sure to not show it to him. Good luck. I have more ideas if you need them.



answers from Washington DC on

I would tell the parents that you will continue to do what you can with the child (because it is about him, not the parents) but you also need to say that without they're cooperation, it will be a longer process. That's honest but not rude.



answers from Norfolk on

Hi T.,
I wish there was some good news here. I am very happy to see that you have tried to do this on your own with the little time you have with this little boy. Unfortunately, in my experience, without the support of the parents while he is with them, it is going to be difficult. What I would do while he is with you is try to keep him either in underwear as much as possible. I would praise him as much as possible each and everytime he uses the potty (as I am sure you are already doing). As far as getting him to go #2, find something that will keep his attention while he sits on the potty (books, songs, or fingerplays) and ask him to sit long enough to read a book or two, or a couple of songs, etc.). He will eventually get tired of being in diapers and will start to voice his opinion in the matter with his parents. I wish you the best of luck with this. Time and patience will be your best friend when it comes to this little guy.



answers from Norfolk on

this might be rude but i think you should tell the parents it is thier responsiblility to train him. If they want you to reinforce something that is different

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