9 Wk Old Sleeping Too Long Between Feedings?!

Updated on August 27, 2008
E.S. asks from Arcadia, CA
6 answers

My 9 wk old has slept through the night 3 times in the past week. I was thrilled at first, but I'm wondering if hes sleeping too long. The first two times it was about 7 hrs, but last night he slept 10.5 hrs! Is that too long to go without a feeding? Should I wake him to eat within a certain amount of time? He usually eats every 2.5-4 hrs, mostly around 3 hrs and he eats 4oz at each feeding. He is not underweight. Our family and friends actually think hes kinda chubby. (I think hes perfect!)
Just wondering if anyone has a baby around the same age that sleeps through the night this long and if its okay for him to be sleeping that long without a feeding. I have an almost 7 yr old and I don't remember him sleeping through the night till he was a few months old. Thanks in advance!

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So What Happened?

Thank you to everyone who responded! I will enjoy the time he sleeps, although I do have to check to make sure he is still breathing!

More Answers



answers from Los Angeles on

My son was quite similar. At about 5 or 6 weeks, his between-feed sleeps just got longer and longer. I was sure he was dead, of course, but I let him sleep until he woke up, and then I fed him. Soon he was sleeping 12 hours a night! I re-read one of my books, which says "never wake a sleeping baby". He will wake when he is hungry. Enjoy!



answers from San Diego on

My son gave me 8 hr a night at 6 weeks and I was worried to. My doctor, Mom, everyone, told me not to wake him. That if he is gaining weight at a good weight, he's wetting and pooping, and eating well during the day, enjoy your luck! I did and everything was fine. I'm glad I enjoyed that time because it stopped at 6 months hahaha. I would just offer him bottle or breast (whichever you are using) every 3 hrs during the day (or less if he needs it) and leave it at that. Your doctor will check his weight the next appointment and let you know how it is. And don't listen to family and friends. Babies are supposed to be chubby! :)



answers from San Diego on

DON'T WAKE HIM UP!!!!! I know the doctor's tell you to wake them up every 3 hours, but I totally disagree. The nurses got mad at my husband and I when we'd let our newborn sleep through a feeding. God made us to know when we need food, your baby will wake up when he's hungry. Enjoy it girl!!!!



answers from Santa Barbara on

I'm going to presume that your son was born at a healthy birth weight and has no other health issues. As long as your son has sufficient wet/dirty diapers and is gaining weight at a steady pace, I would enjoy the much-needed rest! You sound like a loving and conscientious mom! I had some of the same questions with my first baby. My first daughter slept through the night at about 6 weeks old, but only for 4 nights. (That first night, we freaked out, worried that something was wrong. LOL). After that, she started waking up once per night or so for the next 4 or 5 weeks. Then, she slept through the night again for the most part, only waking up once a week or so.

It sounds like you're doing great. Keep up the good work, and enjoy whatever rest you can get!



answers from Los Angeles on

You are SOOO lucky. I think you're just bragging! No, seriously though, let him sleep. You're doing a great job.



answers from Honolulu on

Let him sleep! Take the break and get some rest yourself. He will let you know when he's hungry. As long as he is getting plenty during the day(sounds like he is) he should be fine at night.

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